20 True Stories That Show How Infidelity Divides Life Into “Before” and “After”

4 hours ago

Infidelity is a stressful event in the life of any person. Some people try to survive it alone, while others try to share their grief with the whole Internet. For the latter, it is probably easier, because in this way they find words of support that help them get over the pain and move on with their heads held high.

  • A friend’s 13-year-old daughter caught her dad cheating on her mother. She told her mom, who filed for divorce.
    So, the father first accused his daughter of ruining the family, then his wife when she started seeing someone else a year after the divorce. And in his defense, he says it’s normal for a real man to cheat. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they get back together. © EvDekk / Pikabu
  • I met a guy, a few days later we started living together. A month later, some woman calls me and says, “I’m his wife! Who are you?” And I didn’t know he was married! I asked the lady, “What wife? We’ve been living together for a month!”
    She was shocked. Turns out they had a fight and his wife kicked him out. And he immediately found a new woman — me. They ended up divorced and we got married. I don’t kick him out, otherwise he’ll find someone else. © Veto44ka / Pikabu
  • A friend’s husband had an affair, they got divorced. He married the woman he had an affair with. My friend was heartbroken for a year, then she met a guy, they began to live together.
    And here 1.5 years after the divorce, her ex-husband called and started yelling into the phone that she behaves inappropriately! Did he really think that at 25 she would live alone until old age, longing for him? © Qwerasdf100 / Pikabu
  • We were together for 22 years. I began to suspect my wife of cheating and decided to check the old navigator from our car. The navigator itself was clean. But I connected it to the computer, dug in the memory and found a file, and in it — an interesting table.
    It turns out that my wife has been taking time off work for the last 6 months and traveling to the same address in another city during working hours. My wife had no choice but to confess she cheated. Of course, she blames me for what happened. © Gorod204 / Pikabu
  • A friend of my colleague was cheating on his wife in a smart way — only during working hours and strictly on neutral territory. But his mistress had been begging him for a long time to go to a holiday resort together, so that he wouldn’t have to hide, and they could have a rest. And somehow she persuaded him, and he went “on a business trip.”
    The lovebirds spend a wonderful night in a hotel room, and in the morning they met a nice, smiling couple — his neighbor (and his wife’s best friend) and her husband. The result is a call to the friend and a divorce. © Alexbuka / Pikabu
  • When my husband and I started dating, he cheated on me. I then forgave him and forgot. I was young, stupid, and our relationship was not yet exclusive.
    It’s been 20 years, he suddenly says, “I need to confess something to you, but don’t worry, nothing terrible has happened.” His “nothing terrible” meant that he had a fling with a colleague at the corporate event. And you know what he said to me in the end?
    “Why are you reacting like this? We’ve been through this before, you took it normally then, like a wise woman. Have you lost your wisdom with age? I didn’t expect this from you!” We don’t live together anymore. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My grandmother was a nurse. Once she was assisting with delivering a baby and the ostensible father commented that the child looked good for a premature baby. Without thinking, my grandmother told the truth, “That baby is not premature.” © tornado28 / Reddit
  • Came home from working a double shift and found the toilet seat up. Either my wife didn’t take a piss for 20 hours straight or there had been another man in my house. Suspected it was her “gay” friend from work. I also knew that said friend was trying to sell his house, so I called the real estate agent and asked to see his place.
    Right inside the front door, I recognized one of her jackets hanging in the mud room. Proceeded to the living room and bam... right on the mantel was a picture of my wife and this guy. We divorced shortly after. She ended up marrying this guy, then cheated on him, and now they are divorced. Didn’t feel bad for him at all. © signalthree / Reddit
  • I ratted out my dad as a kid. They used to sent him to walk with me in winter, and he’d get cold and bored, quickly meet some woman with a child and take everyone to a café. I was very happy with this arrangement and always waited for my dad to go out with me. I don’t know whether those acquaintances continued — he rarely went out with me, and these were different women.
    But I really liked one of them. She had a daughter about my age, we played well together, and she invited me to visit her. When we were going to the slide with my dad once again, I asked everyone if Ms. Smith and Olivia would be there today and if we would go to visit them after the restaurant.
    A scandal broke out, I never went anywhere that day, and my dad was suspended from going out with me. © Tatiana Lobanova / ADME
  • A flirty text from a guy popped up on while we were looking at her phone for a place to eat. He complimented a picture I had just taken of her, she sent it to him while around me. Bold.
    Also, this happened in the Eiffel Tower, only a couple of hours into what was supposed to be a 2-week vacation. © Meh_Ill_Do_It_Later / Reddit
  • I dumped a girl after she cheated on me. Found out she was kissing another guy. My ex-girlfriend was devastated, pestered me with calls. Even came to my parents’ house crying.
    Then she told me she was pregnant with my baby. She sent me a photo of the test with 2 stripes. I was shocked, but I got over myself and said I’d forgive everything, and we’d raise the child together. Good thing my mate was smarter than me.
    He called me and said, “Dan, you’re a fool. I found the exact same picture of the test on the Internet.” I wonder what she would have made up next. Would she play up the tragedy of losing the baby? © Mamdarinka / VK
  • My ex-boyfriend found nothing better than to confess to me on December 30 that he cheats when he travels to other cities for work. So, he decided this time not to pay for our rented flat, and move to another girl.
    And the rent ended right on New Year’s Eve. So, I was left alone on New Year’s Eve. I cried, I screamed, but I couldn’t think of anything better than to go back to my mom and dad.
    I am insanely grateful to them for the fact that they tactfully kept silent when they saw me on the doorstep with my things on the 31st of December. They didn’t even ask about my boyfriend, they understood everything at once, so they tried to create an unforgettable holiday for me. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I broke my parents up. I asked my mom if I could have dinner at my "Aunt Christie"’s house again because she cooked my favorite pasta. Turns out Mom didn’t know who “Aunt Christie” was — which is because she wasn’t really my aunt, she was the co-worker my dad was sleeping with. © AussieCanuck94 / Reddit
  • My husband is cheating on me. I know about it because his mistress is my manicure tech. They didn’t know each other through me, they met in a shop.
    Now I am on maternity leave, once every 3 weeks I go for a manicure, and she tells me about her new boyfriend, shows me pictures and presents. It was a shock when I first saw my husband’s photo in her phone. Now I take it calmly.
    The manicurist is pretty but absolutely primitive. I don’t understand what my husband, a connoisseur of intelligence, creativity, and self-irony, finds in her. He promises her a wedding, but sometime later. I’m not even hurt, I feel ridiculous.
    For 8 months, I’ve known about the affair, but I’ve done nothing. I go for manicures and listen to that girl talk. I look into my husband’s eyes, but I don’t see anything in them. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me. I thought long and hard about how to get back at him. It took me even longer to persuade him into getting matching tattoos. Finally, he agreed.
    We made an appointment with an artist, he went first, and I went... home. That night we broke up. I feel just great. © Overheard / Ideer
  • My boyfriend at the beginning of the relationship liked to joke, “In the 21st century, cheating is not the worst thing that can happen in a relationship.”
    After 3 years, I found out that he had a mistress, who knew nothing about me. I met her, told her about it. We decided it was really no big deal. We had a laugh and dumped the scoundrel. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Went to IKEA shortly after my first wedding to buy a dining room table. It was me, my then-husband, and a close friend, who, unbeknownst to naïve-young-me, was my then-husband’s mistress. I watched them walk around like a couple discussing the options before finally settling on a glass-topped table that I mentioned many times was impractical.
    While I had my blinders on to all the other signs that they were having an affair, it was this moment which made me realize what was going on. I busted him a few days later. © CommonFrequency / Reddit
  • I smelled something wrong and for the first time in 18 years, I checked my husband’s phone, and there was just shame. Lots of text messages with girls in their twenties. They’re all from the gym we attend. He found their numbers on reception somehow.
    He flirts with them, and they just tell him to take a hike. In this whole story, it’s not even the possible cheating that makes me angry, but the fact that the whole gym is making fun of him, and therefore of me. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I was dating a guy. Every day I came home from work with the happy anticipation that I would be with my favorite person. If he came home early, he cooked me my favorite things for dinner. If I came early, we ate what he liked for dinner.
    One day I felt really bad at work, they let me go home. I thought my boyfriend was asleep, but he was with another woman. And all my love for this man burst like a soap bubble. I entered the room, turned on the light, and calmly said, “Get lost, I want to sleep.”
    I said that and went to bed. 10 minutes later, the guy saw his girlfriend out and went to wake me up. He said he wanted to apologize, but I didn’t even want to listen to him.
    In the morning, I packed my stuff, and my ex was following me around. He tried to hug me, he tried to kiss me. I was disgusted by his touch. I went to a friend and removed him from everywhere, erased all his photos and messages. © Unknown author / Pikabu
  • The relationship with my boyfriend was falling apart. I found out that he cheated on me and blamed me for his own sins. All this time I was supported by my best friend.
    One day, we came with my boyfriend to talk at the restaurant where my friend works. The boyfriend ordered us a mushroom pizza, saying he remembered that it was my favorite pizza. But the pizza came without mushrooms.
    The boyfriend started throwing a tantrum, “Where are the mushrooms? My girlfriend loves them!” And then my waiter friend says, “She hates mushrooms. I think someone else likes them. Remember? You two were here last week.”
    The guy didn’t make any excuses, just got up and left. And I thought that this could only happen in movies. © Ward 6 / VK

And this woman shared her story about how her husband cheated on her when she was freshly postpartum.

Preview photo credit Veto44ka / Pikabu


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