15 Clever School Inventions That Deserve a Nobel Prize

year ago

School is our second home, and people who work there try their best to make it cool and interesting. And sometimes these ideas and inventions are so cool that school becomes a special place that encourages creativity, makes students’ lives way easier, and makes the learning process fun. And we bet that these students love their schools so much, they want to stay there forever.

Here at Bright Side we’ve collected pictures of awesome school inventions that totally make school a place you always want to come back to.

1. Math class doormat

2. “This is how my university stops people from leaving with the calculators.”

3. This school painted the lockers into books to encourage reading.

4. “My school’s library has noise-level guides that change color when it gets too loud.”

5. “This middle school has a skateboard locker.”

6. “My school fights littering by installing basketball hoops above trash cans.”

7. “My daughter’s school uses these to transport babies around campus.”

8. Kids earn free tokens to get a book from a vending machine.

9. “This mural at my school has Fahrenheit 451 positioned on the fire extinguisher.”

10. This boring hallway was transformed into a masterpiece.

11. A path made of stones that were painted by students. Who knew this popular activity would have such an amazing outcome?

12. “The vending machine at my school has school supplies.”

13. This cooking class has a mirror above the teacher’s table so the students can see what the teacher is doing.

14. Blind date with a book — for those readers who love surprises

15. Slides at the Technical University of Munich

Let us know if you know of any other cool school inventions and vote for the best idea in the comment section.

Preview photo credit Oltarus / reddit, crzymazy / reddit


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There are so many cool things, it makes me a bit jealous!
But nr 8 is the best! This is so annoying sometimes when you need to rush to a professor and just get stuck because of people who are as fast as the tortoises.
Who else would want such stairs at their school/uni?


I think I would love to ride on this kiderVan :)
looks fun!


I have been pushing to get slides installed at the parking garage at work for YEARS!!! GREAT idea!! And wouldn't that be a good idea for fire escapes in a tall building as well??


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