22 Photos That Can Make Anyone Not Believe Their Eyes

6 years ago

Have you ever seen a hedgehog dog, flowers in the shape of a skull, or ghost bikers? No? Well, get ready to see them now. We are presenting you with photos of ’miracles’ that happened because of unusual angles, playing with light or shadows, and our imagination.

Bright Side collected 23 photos that you might want to look at twice and maybe even a thrid time to understand what’s going on there. At the end of the article, there’s a bonus — a photo the whole internet is going crazy over.

“Sometimes I think that my dog is a fox, not a dog.”

Flowers are giving hints that they’ve already died.

Creepy photo of a cat’s spirit leaving it’s body

“My dog’s flopped-over ear looks like the face of a baboon.”

Nothing special — just pipes, so many pipes.

Unusual hedgehog: sometimes it barks and comes to the name Marley.

Bikers and their ghosts

What slim legs she has! Wait a second...

Now I see - there's a pinstripe down her pant leg which makes it look like she has two scarily thin legs


This guy also has a cute figure...

The comments speak for themselves...

What a cute doggy...

Hyperrealistic “Woman and Child” sculpture by Sam Jinks

It seems these buildings were built using 2D technologies.

How do you unsee a robot with teeth?

“My washing machine has a happy man on the back.”

“My laptop keyboard produces the ‘black dot’ illusion. Look carefully.”

Yeah! In the corners of the silver part around the keys


“I found a stone that looks like a mini planet.”

A flat building again! Is this a new trend?

“My boss’s door looks like it has Donnie Darko rabbits on it.”

“Mom! Can I play for 5 more minutes please?”

Hey, young lady, why do you have so many legs?

Bonus: When your girlfriend has two selves but you still love her:

Two different photos created in the camera using a slow shutter speed together if you notice the one in the mirror reflection has her head leaning closer to his and his head is tilted slightly towards her. She simply took one pose looking at the mirror then turned to face the camera before the camera timer went off.


Internet users still cannot find the answer to this picture. If that’s not Photoshop, how do you think she’s reflecting in the background mirror this way? Please write your guesses in the comments!

Preview photo credit unknown/imgur, Aaaron N.


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Marley the hedgehog has got to be the cutest and biggest hedgehog I’ve ever seen


CMOS camera sensor, camera is rotated, low light so long shutter time, and she turned her head at the perfect moment.


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