22 Things That Can Confuse and Amuse You at the Same Time

3 years ago

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but great minds have argued that aesthetics also have universal and objective standards. While our personal tastes may differ, we all have ideas of how certain things should be built and designed. The items on this list, however, went against the rules. And the results are both puzzling and entertaining.

Bright Side rounded up 22 photos of things that could easily be weird or brilliant (or both), and you can decide which category they belong in.

1. “What happens to this car when it rains?”

2. “That looks like a cursed ring that will destroy your life.”

3. “My friend built this tiny fairy door at the bottom of the wall for the grandkids to peek into when they visit.”

4. “My coworker’s scarf looks like a receipt.”

5. I guess we can call it the “bathmobile.”

6. “These food earrings”

7. These shoes that were made for chomping

8. “We get a lot of custom requests. This customer wanted a pair of pumps with dollar bills on them, so our cobbler did just that.”

9. “My parents wallpapered their half-bath with People magazine covers from the ’70s (and a few from the ’80s).”

10. “Found this at a thrift store today.”

11. Turkey, cake, or hard hat?

12. “This giant constructed tree trunk with the sole purpose of housing an ATM”

13. “May I present the jeans mirror, or ’jirror,’ if you will...”

14. “This vase that is in the shape of a heart”

15. “This is so when you open the door, you’re shaking hands with the handle.”

16. “I didn’t buy it. But when I went back, it was gone. Either someone bought it, or, most likely, it got up and walked away.”

17. “Shoe-baccas

18. “Found this weird mug with 3 handles.”

19. “I’m becoming Sid from Toy Story and I’m embracing it. Here are planters I made from dolls for air plants, everyone.”

20. This building for a furniture gallery

21. This bear-y tacky jacket

22. “Perfect for ’finger food!’”

Have you ever come across something that was both strange and impressive? Share your story or photo in the comment section.

Please note: This article was updated in January 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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