10+ Hilariously Misleading Things That Will Make You Look Twice

year ago

Pretty much everyone has experienced the phenomenon of seeing things that aren’t really there. This type of illusion is called pareidolia, and it tricks our brains into perceiving familiar shapes in the strangest of places.

Bright Side decided to collect a few of the most hilarious objects we can easily confuse with something completely unrelated at first glance.

11. Grandma caterpillar is putting on her lipstick.

10. “I love you, Mommy!”

9. Now that’s an air guitar!

8. Snow cat

7. “Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up...”

6. “Waiter, there is a frog in my coffee.”

5. This moisturizer looks like the Michelin Man begging for mercy.

4. Feisty ninja leaf

3. This is the most useless thing ever.

2. Is that cat hair in my fried egg?

1. “I was trying to buy a new pair of shoes, but I think I made a misteak.”

Preview photo credit happytrails1 / Reddit


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I love the cow, could be perfect with the eyes closer. The alcohol bar for toddlers, I hope it's a fake.


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