24 Photos of Irish Wolfhounds That Made Us Love These Giant Softies

6 years ago

Irish Wolfhounds are very easy to recognize by their look and well, definitely their size — especially their impressive height! These gentle giants are very playful, easygoing, noble, sweet, and have a heart as big as the rest of them.

We at Bright Side have collected these photos for our readers to show a small part of these dogs’ amazing nature and beauty and you’ll probably want to get one after seeing them. You may need to consider upsizing your car and house though.

1. Who’s walking who, that’s the question.

2. Subwoofers were included.

3. When an Irish Wolfhound puppy really wants its chair back:

4. “OK, I guess this bed will do...”

5. Adding some magic

6. “Hold me while you can.”

7. “I think you should get a bigger couch.”

8. A puppy hug is always priceless.

9. Beauty and elegance, Irish Wolfhound style

10. “Hopefully, one day he’ll stop growing.”

11. That moment when you really don’t want to be in the way:

12. Please, no cats or rabbits...

13. “Do you actually believe that you can win this game? For real?”

14. “Did you really think I couldn’t reach it?”

15. Always set an example for the little ones.

16. At some point, even giant dogs were little pups.

17. Mini, midi, maxi

18. The one on the left is way too big or the one on the right is way too small, you choose the answer.

19. “OK, I’m not going anywhere and you know that, right?”

20. Waiting rooms are always more fun with an Irish Wolfhound.

21. They’re especially impressive when in comparison.

22. The dog probably hasn’t even noticed.

23. “3 months to 4 months...gained 30+ lb”

24. “Surely that pretty hair clip makes me look very girly.”

Which photo from above was your favorite? Are you a lucky owner of an Irish Wolfhound and have pictures that would fit into our compilation? Add them to the comments below and share this article with your friends!


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