Three generations of father and son all taken in the same place each 30 years apart, but composited here in one photo:
1950 has my grandpa and my dad on the left.
1980 has me and my dad on the right
2010 has me and my son in the middle

Today we take dozens of photos every day and don’t even appreciate them. Photographs are not only a way to save a memory but also a chance to see how fast the time goes by. When you try to recreate an old picture, you can see exactly what has changed.
We at Bright Side have chosen 24 pictures that show the speed of time.
Do you have before and after pictures like these? Share them in the comment section below.
Three generations of father and son all taken in the same place each 30 years apart, but composited here in one photo:
1950 has my grandpa and my dad on the left.
1980 has me and my dad on the right
2010 has me and my son in the middle