My Husband Is Never Jealous and I Feel Guilty of What I Did

Having the right temperature in your home will drastically improve your mood! Too hot, you’ll become irritable and frustrated. Too cold, and the chances are that you’ll be too demotivated and sluggish.
Set that temperature to 77°F to make sure you feel good throughout the day. At night, we work better with slightly lower temperatures. 60-67°F is the perfect temperature to get that much-needed rest!
As good-looking as you are, staring at yourself in the mirror for too long can cause a lot of stress! Do you find that you focus on various body flaws—no matter how small and constantly check your reflection in the mirror? (Unless you’re a vampire.) You could replace it with a smaller one that could stop you from gazing at yourself for too long. Get organized and spend a few minutes of your leisure time organizing your surroundings. Taking 5 minutes to work on 1 area of your house, like decluttering that desk, and you’ll be surprised at how much your quality of life will increase!
Your clean surroundings will give you peace of mind, and cleaning itself will help you develop healthy habits. These habits can make sure you feel in control of your actions and the direction of your life. Procrastination can be a slippery slope. Once it starts, it’s hard to break out. An easy start is to create a list of all the things that you’ve been avoiding. Then, commit to spending just a few minutes doing one of those things. Even if you don’t complete it, this is a fantastic way to move forward. Before long, you’ll feel better just by crossing things off that list!
Wear your favorite outfit every once in a while, even if you’re not going anywhere! Putting on some of your best clothes will make you feel good about yourself instantly. There’s no need for a special occasion; make yourself feel happier now! You could even head out to lunch or take a trip to the mall in them. Now, everything has a place in your home. If it doesn’t, why is it there? If you’ve taken it out, put it back. If you’ve opened it, close it! If you’ve put it down, pick it up. If you’ve taken it off, hang it back up!
Live by these simple rules, and you’ll see a profound difference in your home! Everything will be tidier, and you’ll reduce your chores by doing small things before they become a bigger problem. Use or gift any items that are for special occasions! They’re just using up space! If you’ve got a special perfume that’s been sitting there unused or a set of beautiful dishes collecting dust in a box, you’re putting off life! Enjoying it right now, in the moment, is more precious than we think. Take the chance and use those things now! If it isn’t too well-used, you could even give it to a friend or family member to make their day.
Keeping a journal to jot down what you’re thankful for every day will make you happier, increase your productivity and help you sleep much better! Creating and repeating positive affirmations that acknowledge the progress you’re making to improve your life, is a great way to bring about some balance. It’s a great way to show your gratitude for the small things and gain more of an appreciation for life.
It’s always more fun to be positive than it is to be negative! Set your alarm a little bit earlier every day! If you usually set your alarm for 7 a.m., set it back 5 minutes every day until you find that perfect time. That’ll give you the extra time in the morning to exercise, meditate, read, plan your day or work on something that you’re passionate about. It might not seem like a lot, but those minutes are the difference between a rush and a relaxing start to the day.
Having a little extra time in your day will help you feel less forgetful, a lot more productive, and happier! “If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day,” this valuable piece of advice couldn’t be more true. Making your bed when you wake up will change your mindset for the entire day! Your productivity will skyrocket. Once you’ve done one task, you’ll want to do more and more! Letting them snowball to a fulfilling and successful day!
If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. Try yoga in the morning! Yoga is unbelievably healthy for you. It’ll make you strong and lean but also works on other areas like flexibility and balance. Plus, it’s very relaxing and can be done in the comfort of your own home. Just put down a towel or get a mat and let that stress leave you for the day! Having your dog or cat sleeping in bed with you might be cute and comforting, but there can be more cons than pros.
Allergies, disruption of sleep, dirt, and hair can negatively affect our ability to rest and recover! This can easily lead to irritability, raised stress levels, and nasty sniffles! Better to get a separate bed for your furry friend and use the day to cuddle with them! Most people have had the experience of putting something down on a table ‘just for now’ and looking back weeks later, only to see a massive pile of random items that belong somewhere else.
Start by organizing it into piles, deal with what’s there, then give it a good wipe down. It’s going to feel so good to walk into the room and just see a clean space, instead of that accumulated rubbish. Make sure it stays nice and clean by always putting things back where they belong. Even if it won’t stay this way, it looks good for the moment at least! Keep your front doors clean!
It almost seems too simple to matter, but it does! Coming home to a clean door creates a positive feeling the second you arrive. You’ll feel more relaxed and ready to settle down for the evening. Giving the front of your house a little care also helps you feel proud of your home and puts you at ease in case of any unexpected visitors! You can change the entire feel of a room with a simple bit of decoration. Sometimes an empty wall is just crying out for a little something.
Look for the perfect piece of art, photograph, or even one of your own paintings to fill the space! Whatever it is, hang it up to improve the area! Adding some life to an empty space feels good, makes us smile, and fills our home with more character. Call at least one friend or family member a week. You can do this while you clean, walk the dog, or just while you’re relaxing at home. Humans are naturally social. Even when we don’t feel like it, socializing with our loved ones makes us feel better. This is even true if we’re naturally introverted!
Doing this will also make the other person feel better, so it’s great all around. Put on some great music to set the feeling you want at that moment. It doesn’t matter what you put on! Music is fantastic at changing your mood so find something that fits how you want to feel. If you’re looking to relax, put something slow or acoustic on. If you feel down, play something upbeat. Either way, use music to transform your home!
Some people feel better when they let go of some of their physical possessions. That doesn’t mean you should live in an empty house, but there’s no need for a lot of the things we accumulate over time. The latest home styles don’t matter at all if they don’t make you happy right now. It’s all about how objects make you feel! If something brings you satisfaction, even if it’s something small like a trophy from junior high, you should keep it!
One way to feel happier in your space is to bring in a little bit of nature! Houseplants have the added benefit of helping to refresh the air in a room, making you healthier, and bringing a smile to your face. The need to care for the plant, by watering and pruning it, can also build some really positive habits. Plants are a great idea all around! Clean floral smells can positively affect our mood, so use oils or candles if you want to relieve the stress from your day!
Lavender helps people fall asleep, which is great for nighttime. Keeping some lemon next to you while you work can make you feel more positive and awake! Don’t go overboard with the scents, though. Any smell in too great a concentration can cause more stress and headaches. The complete opposite of what you want! Owning a pet is thought to have health benefits. It’ll improve your general mood but can even do things like lower your blood pressure!
Having a pet dog will lead to a healthier and happier you because of their need to be taken for regular walks and playtime. Pets can also help relieve your stress and anxiety by promoting laughter and affectionate behavior; just ask any cat owner! You can make any space feel like home with some well-placed lights! Lightbulbs with shades of white or yellow can promote relaxation and make your room feel more alive. Candles and dimmer lights bring a nice amount of warmth to any room you put them in for that cozy feeling.
It’s not always possible to put yourself first, but don’t forget that you deserve to be treated too! Waiting for others to treat you well can be worse as it might never happen! Make some time just to treat yourself every now and again. Read a good book, go for a walk or enjoy that special chocolate you have! Yeah, chocolate! Never forget to put yourself first! Spending up to 12 hours a day on devices, like TV’s, smartphones, and video games, can be exhausting! TV and streaming alone can take 4 hours away from your day!
You might be thinking you’re relaxing after a hard day, but depending on what you’re watching, it could cause more stress and anxiety. Watching a little bit less will free you up to follow other exciting things. Making this change won’t just have a positive impact on your free time, but also on your general health! Here’s an easy way to set yourself up for a productive day — get your clothes ready for everything! Want to run after work? Take the clothes out in the morning to motivate you more!
Having to get ready for a run can demotivate you to the point where you don’t do it. Getting everything ready will make sure you always get things done, even if you’re not in a good mood. As well as this, planning in advance will always make sure your mornings feel more peaceful and less rushed because you will have already decided on your outfit for the day. Now get out there, and make it happen!