10+ Photos That Will Melt Even the Toughest Hearts With Their Stories

6 years ago

Photographs are meant to capture different emotions. Usually, those are joyful and funny moments but sometimes the moments depicted in photos can pull at people’s heartstrings. The compilation in this article will show you photos with touching and sometimes even sad stories behind them.

Bright Side collected some such photos and their heartwarming stories, full of emotion.

1. “An immigrant father returned to a bookstore where he taught himself English 60 years ago to pick up his son’s new novel.”

2. “My buddy is getting ready for a battle with cancer and starting chemo tomorrow. He and his father decided to shave their heads together.”

3. “When our dog died, our neighbor’s kid made us a card. She was so embarrassed by it that she scratched her name out and wrote her mom’s name instead. It was so funny that it actually cheered me up.”

4. This American Air Force Colonel spent his life searching for his Japanese birth mother. He found her and learned that she had named her restaurant after him.

5. “My wife was in foster care from 13–18 years old. This week she launched her book where she described everything she experienced in those years and I couldn’t be more proud.”

6. “800 days since diagnosis....my 7-year-old kid just took her last dose of chemo tonight.”

7. “I took my new puppy to the nursing home next door. They instantly became best friends.”

8. “Found these 2 purr balls today and since no one claimed them, my wife and I will be their new parents.”

9. “I was wondering why there were so many tennis balls at the dog park I go to.”

10. “My husky is going blind and likes to stare off the deck. She hasn’t realized yet that we put the grill back.”

11. “I was hiking with my dog when he cut up his paws in the middle of the hike. My friend drove to the hiking trail, hiked to find us, and carried him the whole way out.”

Preview photo credit abcdefghijkelli / reddit


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#3 she taught all FOUR of her grandkids sign because they had the same condition that caused her to be deaf. The baby is the youngest as of the time this picture was taken. Do YOU EVER take responsibility for getting any facts correct in your videos and blurbs?


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