lol what?
7 of the Simplest Exercises for a Beautiful and Attractive Bust
To make your bust appear firm and beautiful, you really don’t need to take the route of expensive surgery. All you have to do is regularly perform a few straightforward exercises, all of which can help to lift and even improve the shape of your breasts.

Exercise 1

Clench your hand into a fist, and raise it to your chin. Press on your fist with your chin for 5 seconds, then relax for 5 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
Exercise 2

Join your hands together in front of your chest. Press them together with enough force to strain your pectoral muscles. Make sure you keep your back straight.
Exercise 3

Push-ups can help strengthen your pectoral muscles. If you’re new to them, begin by doing them on your knees or while resting against a chair or sofa. Place your arms as far apart to your sides as you can, and pull your legs together. When pressing your body to the ground, slowly move your elbows to your sides. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 push-ups.
Exercise 4

Lie on your stomach, bend your legs at the knees, and grab hold of them at the ankles. If you’re a beginner, hold this position for 20 seconds, then have a 10-second break. Repeat this 3 times.
Exercise 5

Stand half a meter away from a wall, stretch your arms out in front of you, and begin to press against it with your fists. You’ll feel your pectoral muscles being exercised. Press for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
Exercise 6

Lie on a bench, fitball, or the floor. Using dumbbells, strain your chest, and begin to lift them upward at an equal rate. Then lower them, and immediately lift them again. Repeat this exercise 8 times. The dumbbells should weigh enough to make the last rep noticeably difficult. Perform 3 sets.
Exercise 7

This exercise will stretch your muscles and help give your bust a beautiful shape. Take your dumbbells. When standing up, slightly bend your legs at the knee, and incline your torso forward. When you breathe in, lift your arms to the sides (they should also be slightly bent at the elbows). Your forearms should be parallel to the ground. Carry out 2 sets of 12 reps each.
hello bright side
my chest is bigger for my age and I litterly hate it.
Nice model on a pic)

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