7 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Polarized Sunglasses

year ago

During the summertime, most people spend a lot of time outdoors doing a lot of different things. We may not always realize it, but UV rays reach our eyes even when we are in the shade. Polarized sunglasses can make it easier for us to keep wearing glasses while being able to see just fine. Especially for those who love outdoor activities, they have a variety of benefits that regular glasses don’t.

Bright Side thinks that we should all be much more careful with our eyes — especially during the summer months. That’s why we wanted to talk about polarized sunglasses and their advantages, as well as their disadvantages.

1. They reduce glare

The anti-reflective coating that polarized lenses have is responsible for blocking glare out. This way, no matter which direction you look toward, you will be able to see clearly instead of squinting. Not only that, but you won’t feel blinded by bright lights coming from all directions. In the long term, you will notice that this type of protection is vital for your eyes’ health.

2. They protect better against UV rays

Wearing sunglasses during the summer and whenever it’s sunny outside it important to maintaining our eyes’ well-being. Non-polarized glasses, of course, can block a certain amount of harmful UV rays, but not as successfully as polarized lenses. You can also find lenses that absorb HEV rays for even better protection.

3. They help you see inside the water better

For those of you who enjoy water sports, you have probably noticed that water reflects sunlight, which can create vision problems. If the surface of the water is messy and full of reflections, then you won’t be able to see as well as you wish. That’s where polarized lenses come to the rescue, since they get rid of these reflections and help you see under the surface of the water. Fishermen can also benefit from these glasses since they might be able to see any action close to the water’s surface.

4. They are easier on your eyes

When you are in an extremely bright environment, you often miss objects that are around you, and you don’t see their color for what it really is. But because of the way polarized lenses block out the horizontal light patterns, they make it easier for you to see what’s happening around you. You won’t need to squint in order to see better or use your hands to create shade.

5. You can still wear them in the shade

Most of you probably take your sunglasses off when you reach a shady spot, but UV rays can still reach your eyes. If you’re wearing polarized lenses, you will notice that they let you see perfectly, even in darker conditions. This is important during the summertime since the harmful rays are still there even if we think we’re protected in the shade.

6. They add more contrast to the colors around us

By blocking the horizontal light waves, polarized lenses make it easier to see everything around you clearly. They also enhance colors and help you see them as they really are, if not better. In other words, they make it easier for your eyes to see their environment and thus avoid any strain. So, you might notice that you won’t have any headaches after long days out in the sun.

7. They are perfect for winter activities

Activities in the snow need your eyes and brain’s full attention, and glare can get in the way. Your depth perception can be altered, which can cause vision problems and a possible accident. You need the protection of polarized lenses in order to be able to see every little bump ahead and to distinguish all the turns of the ski lanes. So, you might want to invest in a good pair of ski goggles.

When you shouldn’t wear them

  • When looking at LCD screens, you might want to remove your polarized sunglasses, since both devices are meant to block horizontal light. That’s why you see a blacked-out image instead of a clear screen.
  • Normally, specially-made polarized glasses can help with glare when driving at night. However, they can also block the light coming into the car, which might make it harder for you to see. It’s already dark outside during the night, and the last thing you need is something that makes things even darker.

Do you ever wear polarized sunglasses, or do you stick to the regular type? If you do wear them, have you noticed any important differences?


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