8 Times Actors Broke the Rules Their Studio Set

2 years ago

When you watch an impressive movie in the cinema that really touches your heart, you might think that everything had to go perfectly and according to plan to produce such a great result. In reality, that is not always the case, and there are several examples of things going wrong, and actors not wanting to collaborate. Nevertheless, part of the magic of the cinema is finding a way to finish the movie, despite all the circumstances.

To give you a glimpse of the unexpected things that can happen during production, Bright Side decided to gather these examples of actors who just crossed the line.

1. Zendaya and Tom Holland were told specifically not to date.

During the production of the last Spider-Man movie, Amy Pascal, one of the producers, took Zendaya and Tom aside, separately, and gave them a lecture about developing a romantic relationship: “Don’t go there—just don’t. Try not to.” She said: “It can just complicate things, you know? And they all ignored me.”

Despite the advices, Zendaya and Tom opened up about their relationship in November 2021, being officially together.

2. So did Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield

The producer that advised Tom and Zendaya did the same thing with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, also during the production of one of the Spider-Man movies. The couple started dating during the shooting of the 2011 movie and lasted until 2015. It seems that it has been a tradition to fall in love while filming these movies.

3. Mark Ruffalo went live during a Marvel secret photoshoot.

During a secret photoshoot of the actors of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mark Ruffalo started a Facebook live, showing a lot of details of what was going on, and who was there. As serious as this issue might be, one of the funniest parts of the video is the other actors telling him that it was suppose to be a secret.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio hurt himself during a scene, but didn’t brake out of character.

During the shooting of a scene of Django Unchained, Leonardo DiCaprio had to hit his hand on a table, but when he did that, he accidentally cut himself. Instead of immediately seeking medical support, he didn’t break out of the character and continued acting. The end result was so good that the take went to the final cut, and it appears in the movie.

5. Marlon Brando didn’t come prepared at all to shoot Apocalypse Now.

During the production of the movie Apocalypse Now, Marlon Brando caused a lot of trouble for the director, Francis Coppola, and all of the crew. He was expected to be a lot thinner, and was weighting about 300 pounds at the time. He also didn’t learn his lines or read the book that inspired the movie. His lack of preparation came to the point where the production had to be shut down for one week, so the director could read the script with him. Despite all of the difficulties, the movie ended up as a huge success.

6. Michael Gambon didn’t read any of the books to play Dumbledore in Harry Potter.

During an interview, when asked if he got upset about the scenes in the Harry Potter book that weren’t in the movie, Michael Gambon, who played Dumbledore, responded: “No point in reading the books because you’re playing with [screenwriter] Steve Kloves’ words.” While reading the original piece that inspired the movie may seem like a crucial step when playing a character, that might just not be the case for every actor, in this case, Michael Gambon.

7. Mariah Carey didn’t do anything she was meant to in The House.

Mariah Carey was supposed to appear in a cameo in the comedy movie The House, but when the movie came out, she wasn’t there at all. The reason behind that is that Mariah was causing a lot of trouble during the shooting day. She arrived four hours later than what was scheduled and didn’t want to do the scene that was previously approved or sing the song that she had to. Due to all of these issues, the scene couldn’t be done, and the movie ended up without her.

8. Hugh Jackman didn’t get in shape to play Wolverine in time.

When filming the first X-Men movie, the actor Hugh Jackman, who played Wolverine, thought that he could get in shape to play the character in only three weeks, as he had no idea of how much time it would actually take. Of course, that just didn’t happen, so they had to adjust the calendar to shoot his scenes later. The introductory scenes were filmed in the end, and it took him six months to buff up and get in character.

When it comes to acting, do you think there is some space for improvisation, or everything should go as planned? We would love to know in the comments.


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