9 Useful Hacks That Can Help You Save Money

Tips & tricks
2 years ago

You don’t need to break the bank to live the life you want to live. Whether you’re struggling to buy new makeup products every year or are tired of dried-up nail polish, there’s always a hack that can save you lots of time and money.

At Bright Side, we found some amazing hacks that can help you and be kind to your wallet.

1. Clean your hair straightener with baking soda and water.

Flat irons and curling irons get dirty easily because of different hair products and can be very tough to clean. Many people spend a lot of money on a new hair straightener or to clean it, but there is a rather easy, efficient way to do so at your home. All you need for it is baking soda and water.

Mix baking soda and water in a bowl and apply it to your hair straightener and let it sit for about 10-30 seconds before wiping it with a tissue. Use a dry sponge to apply the mixture to the iron and watch the built-up hair product go away. Baking soda helps kill the bacteria and lets you straighten your hair hassle-free.

2. Put your dried mascara in hot water to make it usable again.

If you have multiple dried-out mascara tubes at your place, put them in a glass of hot water to make them reusable again. Don’t put water into the tubes. Instead, put the containers in a mug of boiling water. Leave them there for a few minutes. The heat will soften the dried mascara and give you smooth application again.

3. Use your broken lip balm to soften dry skin.

Broke your lip balm? Rather than throwing it away, you can use it to soften dry skin. If the lip balm is too broken to be used in a tube, feel free to add it to a small container and use a candle to blend the balm and let it reshape according to the container.

4. Tell baristas it’s your birthday to get a free coffee.

Many places give you a free item on the day of your birthday, and in coffee shops, you can get a free cup of coffee for the occasion.

5. If you bought a darker shade of foundation by mistake, apply moisturizer to lighten up the shade.

If you’ve bought a foundation of a darker shade, you can mix moisturizer in it to make it a lighter shade.

6. Add eyedrops to your dried nail polish to make it useable again.

Sometimes, when you don’t use certain nail polish for a while, it becomes dry, so when you want to use it, you can’t. If this is the case, you can add eye drops to it and let it sit for a while, and it’ll be useable again.

7. Storing your nail polish in the fridge helps it last longer.

Tired of applying nail polish again and again? You can put it in the fridge for it to last longer. Keeping nail polish in a fridge slows down the discoloration and solvent evaporation of the polish, which happens as the polish gets older.

8. Use a lighter shade of foundation as a concealer.

Bought a shade of foundation that’s too light for you? Don’t worry, you can use it as a concealer. If you’ve ever bought the correct undertone of foundation that is too light in terms of the shade, apply it to the center of your face, trying to avoid the outer perimeter. This works because these points at the center are where light naturally falls and brightens the face.

9. Use a rubber dog chewing ring to curl your hair.

If you ever want easy and cheap curls, you can try using a dog’s ring-shaped chew toy. First, wet your hair, then put the toy on your head and roll all your hair around it, then let it sit overnight, and in the morning, you’ll have amazing curls.

What did you think about these easy, money-saving hacks? Which one of these did you use?


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