A 7-Year-Old Boy Sends a Card to His Dad in Heaven, Then Gets a Reply That’s Too Touching for Words

7 months ago

To become a hero, you don’t need to possess special powers or wear a cape and a mask. Moreover, you don’t need to save cities from aliens or other villains. Great things are usually quiet and inconspicuous for many people. But this is what makes them important. To do great things just requires a kind heart and willingness to help.

We at Bright Side present you with this story that will pull at your heartstrings, convince you that there are still good people in the world, and restore your faith in humanity.

The father of 7-year-old Jase died some time ago, but the little boy believes that his dad watches him from above. On his father’s birthday, Jase decided to congratulate him by sending him a card to Heaven. In order to do this, he asked the postman to deliver his unusual letter: “Mr. Postman, can you take this to Heaven for my dad’s birthday. Thank you.”

After some time the postman from Royal Mail replied to Jase:

“Dear Jase, while we’ve been delivering your post, we became aware of some concerns. So I just wanted to take this opportunity to contact you about how we succeeded in the delivery of your letter, to your dad in heaven. This was a difficult challenge avoiding stars and other galactic objects on route to heaven.

However please be assured that this particular important item of mail has been delivered. Royal Mail’s priority is to get our customers mail delivered safely I know how important your mail is to you. I will continue to do all I can to ensure delivery to heaven safely.

Yours sincerely, Sean Milligan.”

This reply will melt the hearts of even the toughest men. It restores our faith in humanity and proves that there are some people on the planet who won’t ignore a kid’s request make an effort to help his dream come true.

His mom shared his reaction on Facebook, “I actually cannot state how emotional he is knowing his dad got his card. Thank you, it honestly means the world to him.”

Did you like the story? Have you ever experienced an act of kindness like this yourself? What was it? Share with us in the comment section!


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