14 Early Photos of Famous Men That Might Make You Wonder, “Is That the Same Person?”

Alexander Ladanivskyy, a Ukraine-based photographer and a Depositphotos contributor, has been organizing photo expeditions into the wild for years. He is also a content partner of Discovery and one who speaks up about the dangers of climate change by using travel photography.
Alexander’s path in travel photography was unusual: having a special forces background, he started with wedding photography, steam-punk portraits, and futuristic snaps. Soon, Alexander started exploring the nature of the Carpathians and discovered some locations that soon became incredibly popular among local and international photographers.
This collection features amazing images taken by Alexander Ladanivskyy (see his full portfolio here) on his journey across Central and Northern Europe.
Photographers from all over the world apply to take part in the expeditions curated by Alexander Ladanivskyy. It is impossible to become a part of this group without first going through a personal interview.
In winter, Alexander Ladanivskyy prefers to go on expeditions across the glaciers. It is only during the cold season that travelers can literally walk on the glacier that covers 11% of the territory of Iceland.
The heroes of Alexander Ladanivskyy’s photoshoots are usually some of his travel mates. The combination of a wild, deserted landscape and a human posing in the foreground (usually dressed in clothes in contrasting colors) makes you wonder how big the world we live in really is.
Iceland’s main glacier, Vatnajokull, shrinks by 100 meters in diameter every year. Scientists expect this glacier to disappear from the face of the Earth in only 10 short years. Alexander captures these changes with his camera.
Landmannalaugar can be called a natural wonder. These rainbow-colored volcanic mountains are located in Iceland and the territory around them has been marked as a nature reserve. However, this area is open for hiking.
Expeditions led by Alexander Ladanivskyy last for several days. Their participants choose the route together with the photographer, who offers them a large number of locations that he has already explored before.
The first model for Alexander Ladanivskyy was his wife. He took some pictures as a gift to her, having borrowed a digital camera from a friend. Feminine beauty and elegance captured with a spectacular background are what the photographer has excelled at.
Aerial photography is sometimes the only way to capture natural objects and convey their beauty to others.
Alexander Ladanivskyy admits that organizing expeditions into the wild is not just about exploring nature or mastering one’s travel photography skills, but also about making the sincere dreams of other travelers come true.
There is one thing in common between the majestic glaciers of Iceland and the country road in Ireland. Traveling through them can transform a photographer beyond recognition and infect them with a passion for exploring the world around them.
To capture the authenticity of natural landscapes, the members of expeditions curated by Alexander Ladanivskyy get up before dawn and can spend many hours on the road. Depending on the route, the group might spend the night in the open air or in a tiny rural inn.
Although crater lakes are common for Iceland’s highlands, you will probably never find 2 of them that look the same. These natural objects can have different colors and shapes, and the impurities in the water of some lakes make life impossible here.
Alexander Ladanivskyy deliberately avoids popular photo routes of Iceland and other countries. He is trying to find something that can surprise even experienced travelers with its beauty.
Those who go with Alexander Ladanivskyy on a trip to the deserted corners of the world often admit that this trip was the main event of their life.
Swimming in a natural pool on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean is an experience that requires several kilometers of mountain trekking.
Most of the Iceland ice caves are poorly explored. Photographer Alexander Ladanivskyy collaborates with local guides to find the way to some of the country’s most interesting natural sites.
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