A Traveler Takes Selfies With Furry Friends He Meets on His Way, and They’re Sure to Make Your Day

2 years ago

A happy quokka, a derpy kangaroo, a lazy seal, or a charismatic deer — these are only a few animals who had a chance to take part in vivid selfies with traveler Allan Dixon. This animal whisperer tours around the world and documents his adventures on his Instagram page. His subscribers often can’t keep their emotions inside while looking at his rib-tickling photoshoots with animals.

Here at Bright Side, we absolutely fell in love with Allan’s animal selfies and are happy to find out that he also released a 2022 Quokka Calendar to help support animals all over the world. We’d love for you to take a look at the most comical shots together with us.

The start of the adventures was quite unexpected for the traveler.

People are naturally drawn to what they love. Adventures and being outdoors were huge for Allan. He was the kid digging holes and getting lost in his garden. Then fast forward to now.

His animal media career all started in a scorching hot dry desert with flies on his face in Australia. He met a funny baby camel at one of his stops. He posted some photos of the encounter and people went crazy. The combination of hanging out with animals and the crazy locations seemed to entertain people, and he’s been doing just that for nearly 10 years now.

Tender contact is the key to a wonderful photo.

Straight up, animals also like their personal space. Just like making a new friend or talking to someone you like, how would you feel if some stranger was all up in your grill when you first met them? You’d back off, right? The same goes for animals.

Allan gives them space and slowly introduces his presence. Then he has his camera ready and is patient in approaching. “Slow and predictable movements are key,” the traveler said in his interview.

Rib-tickling stories do happen during the photo shoots.

An alpaca once sneezed in Allan’s face, and he admits he doesn’t wish that on anyone. His message to his audience is: “Watch out for chewing alpacas. You have been warned.”

The traveler has his own mascot animal among them all.

The most beloved animal for the traveler is the quokka. The smiling face, the cuteness — it’s all too good to be true for him. These selfies help shine a light on animal emotions. Animals need even more compassion and help than people do. So by making the quokka the mascot of happiness, says Allan, people can help all animals.

The most memorable selfie came to life accidentally.

He’ll be forever thankful for the quokka he met on the beach in Australia. That day, he captured his iconic quokka/animal selfie without even knowing. It’s been his profile picture since forever and has been shared all over the world. Quokkas were trending, then he was trending!

Allan’s mission is simple but very noble.

By taking animal selfies, the traveler wants to raise awareness for animal help. He issued the Quokka Calendar for the year 2020, which is aimed at raising funds for the most vulnerable creatures on the planet. He wants people to remember that we’re the voice for animals. We speak for them.

Also, he hopes we all can give some of our time to help animals close to us. By this, he means volunteering at animal shelters or helping to protect, maintain, or rebuild wildlife habitats in the local area. The animals are counting on us!

What is a photo that totally made your day and put a huge smile on your face?

Preview photo credit daxon / instagram, daxon / instagram


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