A Woman Sparks Outrage as She Eats Raw Meat Daily — Here’s How She Explains This

14 hours ago

A woman who consumes raw meat has sparked controversy on social media, not only for her primal diet but also for her consumption of raw milk. Ashley English, who has 15.6k followers on TikTok, regularly posts videos showcasing her daily meals.

In a video titled «What I eat in a day as a girl who eats raw meat,» Ashley shared her typical meals. For breakfast, she typically has raw Ribeye steak, smoked oysters, orange slices, and raw milk. Her lunch usually consists of scrambled duck eggs, kiwi slices, passion fruit, and another glass of raw milk. For dinner, she enjoys more raw Ribeye steak seasoned with fresh chimichurri, accompanied by sauerkraut, bone marrow chunks, and Gruyère cheese.

When craving a snack, Ashley typically chooses yogurt and maple syrup with some cheese or a tin of sardines. Before her workouts, she often indulges in a spoonful of honey.

Regarding her dietary choices, she explains, «Raw meat has been eaten by many cultures around the world for thousands of years, and still is. Just like we eat raw fish in sushi, you can also eat other meats uncooked, and raw meat actually contains more bioavailable nutrients than cooked meat.»

The TikToker concluded her caption by stating: «I don’t only eat raw meat, and I ALWAYS listen to my body to eat intuitively. This is an example of how I eat in a day to feel nourished, healthy, happy, and strong.»

However, viewers of her food slideshow weren’t entirely convinced that this lifestyle was healthy. Many questioned her consumption of multiple servings of raw milk in a day. «Raw meat I’m less concerned with. Raised on a dairy farm, however the raw milk is concerning,» one person wrote.

This sentiment was echoed by another commenter, who said: «I lived on a farm for my whole life. The FIRST thing I was taught is to NEVER drink raw milk.»

Traditionally, our mothers and grandmothers instructed us to wash raw meat. Back then, meat was frequently obtained from various sources, potentially containing dirt, sand, and grass. Nowadays, meat is predominantly purchased from stores and farms adhering to strict regulations. During production, poultry, pork, and beef undergo washing procedures to ensure cleanliness and safety.


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