Angelina Jolie’s Latest Appearance Worries People: «She Looks Strange»

5 months ago

Angelina Jolie glowed with elegance when she showed up at the Broadway premiere of her musical, The Outsiders. Cameras captured her radiant smile as she stood beside her 15-year-old daughter, Vivienne. However, some noticed that Angelina appeared slightly different from her usual self.

Jolie wore a gorgeous gold dress with a stylish rusty-colored cape, while her daughter looked trendy in a cool blue jumpsuit.

As an Oscar-winning actress and executive producer of the project, Jolie previously shared that Vivienne has a strong interest in theater. She described her daughter as thoughtful and dedicated to understanding how to contribute meaningfully to the industry.

MM / ABACA / Abaca / East News, Charles Sykes / Invision / AP / East News

Seeing the mother-daughter duo at the event was a delightful sight, and all attention naturally gravitated towards Jolie, who looked stunning with her vibrant red lipstick and slightly lighter blonde hair than usual.

Online, fans flooded the star with compliments, praising her beauty and stating that she truly stands out from the crowd. Some even went as far as to call her “one of the world’s hottest women,” with one person noting, ’She does look gorgeous here, even better than years ago.’’

MM / ABACA / Abaca / East News, MM / ABACA / Abaca / East News
2 months ago
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While most people admire how amazing the Maleficent actress appears, many noticed a change in her, leading some to wonder if her radiant appearance resulted from recent cosmetic procedures.

One person commented, “Angelina looks different. Or am I crazy?” Another said, “Looks like Angie had a little facelift or some kind of plastic surgery.” A third person chimed in, “Angelina looks strange.”

Marechal Aurore / ABACA / Abaca / East News

Jolie, like many celebrities, has openly discussed undergoing plastic surgery. However, her reasons for going under the knife were deeply personal. After learning she had a high genetic risk of breast cancer, she chose to have a preventive double mastectomy. This was followed by reconstructive surgery with implants, a decision she stands by and feels content with.

NPA / The Grosby Group / EAST NEWS

Angelina Jolie is also known for her meaningful tattoos, and on that particular night, eagle-eyed observers spotted a new one on her inner forearm. It carries a heartfelt message that touched many.

Preview photo credit Marechal Aurore / ABACA / Abaca / East News, Charles Sykes / Invision / AP / East News


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