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Artist Creates Paintings That Are So Realistic You May Want to Look Twice
Philipp Weber is a German hyper-realism artist that tells the stories not behind but beyond faces,
fascinating us with the beauty of his models as he directs our focus toward the real meaning of being human. He offers us a whole new dimension of reality, using his signature style of super-realistic painting techniques. At first glance, you may have a difficult time figuring out whether you are looking at a photograph or the magnificence of his work.
Prepare yourself for the ride because we, Bright Siders, curated some of his key pieces for your eyes, accompanied by his own words on the artistry he brings to life.
Hyper-realism: deep dive into our essence
“More than Reality: in contrast to photography, hyper-realism is an even more intense experience, concentrated energy, you can feel the craft and vitality inside.”
Throughout his practice, Weber has outgrown the existing approaches in his field, hereby creating his unique signature style which brought him respect and admiration from artists and professionals all over the world.
“My paintings are about looking behind the facade: super realism for me is not about maximum detail, but maximum feeling.”
Weber says some of his inspirations are literature and film work by fellow artists, but especially his very personal experiences, wishes, and dreams of people around him he feels connected to. Based on these experiences, Weber develops series which combine paintings like film stills to shape the entire dramaturges.
Weber was born in Germany in 1974. As a child, he was instantly recognized for the level of his talent and was encouraged to pursue an artistic career journey. He started his studies in Kassel, moved on to the Berlin University of Arts, and graduated as a master’s student.
Weber is now a renowned artist worldwide, presenting his work in exhibitions and art fairs, and encountering extensive fascination toward his artwork.
He has been part of the master program of the international IBEX Collection from 2015 to 2017, selected and recognized as one of the best master artists in his field.
Simply look at her, and try to convince yourself that you are not building eye contact like she is real.
Weber first does initial sketches before he paints them as large-scale pieces after professional photoshoots. He then carries out his lengthy painting process in the studio. After months-long development stages, “Rustling fabrics and flowing water in perfect transparency, but also deep insights into human existence, are captured on canvas,” Weber reveals.
“Looking behind the façade, I create landscapes of soul which are of — in both senses of the word — multi-layered brilliance,” says Weber. His technique is highly delicate, and each piece takes a long time to complete. Due to this, he brings 1-2 paintings to life in a year.
Which of these paintings did you feel a deeper connection to?

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