Behind the scenes with 5-Minute Crafts: How we create videos for millions of viewers

6 years ago

There are things that we strive to do every day — get up on the right side of the bed, communicate with positive people, laugh a lot, learn something new, and create, create, create.

We try our best to give you days filled with these things. But, you probably didn’t know that we are more than just 5-Minute Crafts.

Our team runs more than 25 entertaining media brands — and they are a great source of educational articles, funny comic strips, exciting stories, and thousands of videos! Our mission includes trying to make our world a little better every day.

Today we want you to see what our creative processes look like from the inside. We want to invite you into our studios where the magic is made, aka, where we make the videos that inspire millions of people.

When we say “millions,” we mean it.

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Tap to see the answer

We bet you probably didn’t know that YouTube gives out buttons as awards for viewership. They give a silver button for every 100,000 subscribers, a golden button for every 1 million subscribers, and a diamond button for every 10 million subscribers. Today we proudly have 34 silver buttons, 11 golden buttons, and 2 diamond buttons.

One of our goals is to try to inspire as many people as we can and that’s why we make videos about sports, magic, dieting, health, and even those quizzes that you see and take online. We also make our own cartoons and kids’ shows that are available in 11 different languages and watched in every corner of the world.

5-Minute Crafts just so happens to be the largest channel about DIY projects in the world (in the world!!) and it currently reaches and inspires 48,000,000 subscribers on Facebook and 32,000,000 subscribers on YouTube.

In 2017, 5-Minute Crafts and Bright Side received the VideoAces award. This reward is the highest accolade we could receive for the most viewed media on the entire web. We’re beaming with pride for ourselves and this great company we work for. This type of praise really helps us to keep producing great things for our viewers.

All of this content is created by people with golden hands, golden minds, and other “precious” body parts.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes peek into the work it takes to produce our 5-Minute Crafts projects.

We are not professional actors.

But we do our best to be confident and we are constantly learning how to perform in various roles.

And we are not directors with years of experience.

We may not have 20 years of experience under our belts, but we are professionals who are completely devoted to our craft and who love beautiful photos and exciting videos. Sometimes a fresh mind and a new perspective beats years of experience and allows us to come up with new and fresh ideas.

We are dreamers, who are ready to do anything to pull off our ideas.

Our mantra goes like this: “Do what you, and millions of viewers, like.” We collaborate and come up with our own ideas and turn the best of them into reality. When we are making a video, we are the ones who decide how to do it better, when to do it, and where to do it. There are no frames — all we require is a creative spark and a like-minded team.

We’re learning together, with you.

Before writing an article or making a video, we read a lot, study the process, sometimes consult experts, and only afterward do we start the work. We have learned how to cook, how to look fashionable, and we’re always having as much fun as we possibly can.

We love kids and we try not to forget what it’s like to be one.

Children are frequent visitors in our studios. Who else, if not a kid, could help to make a cool video, give an honest and objective assessment, or help us adults remember the best moments of our childhood?

We believe that being ordinary is not very interesting.

We’re not afraid to look silly, awkward, or crazy, because we live to make people smile more!

We read every comment that you leave.

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Tap to see the answer

We feel happy when you “like” everything we do and sad when you scold us. We really do take all your comments to heart and use them as lessons to improve our projects.

We believe in magic and try to be magicians ourselves.

This is what one of the sets looks like. It’s where the masterpieces are created and where the magic happens. Creative chaos is a normal thing here when we’re talking about everything except the equipment. The equipment in our studio is super organized and everything is always in its place and ready when we need it.

And this is our warehouse. In its depths, you can find any artifact that you might need.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

There’s an abundance of things that have been collected here, over so many years of work. We usually find something, get amazed by it, and then we very accurately label it and put it away in case we need it in the future!

We always have space for new people.

This rule applies not only in the office, but also in life. For example, we are looking here for Idea Finders and here for Community Managers.

But we have a confession to make: Not all of our employees are ordinary people.

This is Valera. He just appeared out of nowhere one day and has been with us ever since. He’s “dying” to paint the town red and has a way of elevating our mood every day. Valera is always ready to listen to each of us, give us all the quiet support we need, and even a hug when we’re having a difficult moment. We should all strive to be more like Valera!

All in all, our mission is to bring more positivity to life and inspire people from all around the world.


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I ??? 5-Minute-Crafts soooo much! I watch them every day and I watch every new post like, as soon as they are posted?! You guys are amazing and so smart, and just thinking, MILLIONS of other life hack YouTube channels have used your ideas-so brilliant! My life is literally most of your life hacks???‍♀️???


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