Challenge: Can You Guess How Much Sugar Is in These Products?

year ago

Many people find themselves craving a sugary treat more often than is good for them. It’s not surprising: some products of this range are addictive, as our brain sees sweets as a reward. In addition to that, even “healthier” options turn out to be pretty sugary upon investigation, so it’s very hard to control your sugar consumption.

We at Bright Side would like to help you figure it all out using our quiz where you’ll guess how much sugar is in these products.

1. A single cup of low-fat yogurt (245 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

2. Barbecue sauce (2 tablespoons)

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Tap to see the answer

3. Bowl of frosted cereal (45 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

4. Milky Way bar (58 g)

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Tap to see the answer

5. Coca-Cola (one can, 330 ml)

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Tap to see the answer

6. A regular blueberry muffin

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Tap to see the answer

7. Mangos (100 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

8. Store-bought chocolate crème pie (4.5 ounces)

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Tap to see the answer

9. Grapes (100 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

10. Granola with added honey or chocolate (100 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

11. A medium banana (about 126 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

12. Iced tea (12 ounces)

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Tap to see the answer

13. Protein bars (100 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

14. Chocolate milk, 1 cup (250 ml)

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Tap to see the answer

15. Canned baked beans, one cup (254 grams)

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Tap to see the answer

How many questions did you get right? Which food from the list do you like?


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