Colin Farrell Opens Up About Life With Son James as He Launches Foundation for Special Needs Adults

2 months ago

Colin Farrell has always been very private about his life, especially when it comes to his son James. In a recent interview, he finally talked about how it is to raise a son with a rare genetic disorder.

Richard Shotwell/Invision/East News

Colin Farrell’s Los Angeles home is buzzing with an energy that’s both exhilarating and a little overwhelming for the actor. It’s not the typical Hollywood scene he’s used to, but, it’s for a cause close to his heart. Surrounded by photographers and video crews, the 48-year-old actor is keeping a watchful eye on his 20-year-old son, James, who is playing catch in the backyard with his caregiver.

James, who has Angelman syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder, is nonverbal, but his expressive eyes speak volumes. When he spots a journalist nearby, he promptly tosses his miniature basketball her way, inviting her into his world with a playful gesture. His joy is infectious, and it’s clear how much this means to Farrell, whose pride in his son swells visibly as he observes the interaction.

“I want the world to be kind to James,” Farrell says earnestly. “I want the world to treat him with kindness and respect.”

It’s this deep love and protective instinct that has motivated Farrell to share his story with the public for the first time. With James turning 21 in September, Farrell is very aware of the challenges that lie ahead.

“Once your child turns 21, they’re kind of on their own,” he explains. “All the safeguards that are put in place, special ed classes, that all goes away, so you’re left with a young adult who should be an integrated part of our modern society and more often than not is left behind.”

To address this gap, Farrell is launching the Colin Farrell Foundation, dedicated to supporting adult children with intellectual disabilities. The foundation will focus on advocacy, education, and creating innovative programs to ensure that these young adults receive the support they need to thrive.

“This is the first time I’ve spoken about it, and obviously the only reason I’m speaking is I can’t ask James if he wants to do this,” Farrell says, his voice tinged with both determination and a father’s concern.

Farrell speaks to James as if he could fully comprehend everything, despite the communication barriers posed by Angelman syndrome. “I speak to James as if he’s 20 and has perfect fluency with the English language and age-appropriate cognitive ability. But I can’t discern a particular answer from him as to whether he’s comfortable with all this or not, so I have to make a call based on knowing James’s spirit and what kind of young man he is, and the goodness that he has in his heart.”

James has faced many challenges in his life, from mastering basic motor skills to feeding himself, and Farrell couldn’t be prouder. “He’s worked so hard all his life, so hard,” Farrell says, reflecting on the effort his son puts into everyday tasks.

“When he started feeding himself for the first time, his face looked like a Jackson Pollock by the end of it. But he gets it in, he feeds himself beautifully. I’m proud of him every day because I just think he’s magic.”

The foundation is something Farrell has wanted to do for years. “For years, I’ve wanted to do something in the realm of providing greater opportunities for families who have a child with special needs, to receive the support that they deserve,” he says. “James, and those like him, have earned the right to have a greater degree of individuality and autonomy in life, and a greater degree of community.”

As Colin Farrell prepares to launch his foundation, he hopes it will make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who need it most, inspired by the love and spirit of his remarkable son.

Preview photo credit Richard Shotwell/Invision/East News, kimbordenave / Instagram


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