Very interesting 😎😎😎😎😎😎.
Love them always. They are the most gorgeous soul 💖💖💖💖💖💖 in the whole universe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Love them very much 💗💗💗💗💗💗 always ❤️💛💜💖💓❣️!!!
Conjoined Twins Explain How One Sibling Found Love with Boyfriend of 2 Years While the Other Is Asexual
Lupita and Carmen, conjoined twins, express that they do not view themselves as disabled and believe disability is merely a mindset. Born in 2002, the sisters were initially given a prognosis of only three days to live. Despite being advised that separation could potentially result in mortality or require extensive medical care, they decided to remain conjoined. They have since learned to adeptly navigate life together, even as Carmen has entered a relationship with a boyfriend.
When they were born, doctors didn’t give them any chance of survival.
Carmen (left) and Lupita (right) Andrade, the twin sisters, have a special connection. They were born in Mexico in 2002 and were conjoined from the chest to the pelvis. Initially, doctors gave them a bleak prognosis of only three days to live. The complexity of their shared organs and lower spine made medical experts believe that separating them would be fraught with significant risks.
But it was also their decision.
Both Carmen and Lupita declined when questioned about their desire to undergo separation surgery. They explained that even if the procedure were successful, the extensive physical therapy that would follow for years would be challenging. Carmen added, “And then there’s the whole psychological situation because we’ve been so used to, like, being together,” Carmen said. “I don’t think there’d be a point.”
They share too many vital organs.
When the topic of separation surgery arose, Lupita and Carmen posed a poignant question to their mother: “Why would you want to cut us in half?” The sisters, who have resided in Connecticut since the tender age of 2, are conjoined along their chest walls, with their connection extending down to the convergence of their spines in the pelvis. They share a single leg each, with Carmen controlling the right leg of both, and Lupita controlling the left leg of both. They each have two arms.
Although they are conjoined twins, they have different opinions and aspirations.
In a recent interview, Carmen and Lupita candidly addressed common inquiries about their conjoined condition. They shed light on how they navigate everyday activities such as driving and dating and make decisions about clothing and friendships. Additionally, they revealed insights about their relationship dynamics, including how they handle disagreements and occasional frustrations with each other.
Both women are pursuing careers in the veterinary field, but with different aspirations — Carmen aims to become a veterinary nurse, while Lupita has her sights set on becoming a technician.
Carmen is in love, while Lupita is asexual.
The sisters have also encountered challenges in their love lives. Lupita identifies as asexual, while Carmen ventured into the world of online dating a few years ago using a dating app. However, she revealed that disclosing her status as a conjoined twin on her profile led to receiving numerous messages from individuals with fetishes. Carmen also shared that she grapples with social anxiety, making it difficult to open up to new people.
In October 2020, Carmen crossed paths with Daniel on the app, and their connection was instant. What set Daniel apart from others was that he didn’t immediately inquire about her conjoined condition, which touched her deeply.
“We’ve been together for two and a half years now, and we’ve even talked about getting engaged,” she shared excitedly. “But we want to live together first.”
Being in a relationship as a conjoined twin presents its own set of challenges, but Carmen expressed that Daniel and her sister Lupita get along remarkably well. Sometimes, they even stay up late chatting after she falls asleep. When talking about her sister’s relationship, Lupita jokingly said, “I make fun of both of them.”
Carmen also revealed that she makes an effort to find compromises when she goes on dates with Daniel to ensure fairness for Lupita, who is always present. For instance, she lets Lupita choose where they dine or what activity they do to ensure they feel included and valued in the relationship.
They feel each other’s emotions and share the same circle of friends.
They shared that they have always had the same circle of friends, with Carmen noting, “Lupita has a great intuition about people, so if she likes them, I like them too.” They are determined to normalize the lives of conjoined twins by being candid about their story. “You have to remember: We’re not just conjoined twins, we’re people,” Carmen emphasized.
The sisters also shared that they have a unique emotional connection, often feeling each other’s emotions. Carmen recalled a recent incident where Lupita sensed discomfort from a man filming them in a store. Lupita added, “I can feel when Carmen is anxious or about to cry. It’s that same stomach drop.”

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