Ex-Sanitation Worker Graduates Harvard Law and Is Now Helping Other Workers Follow Their Dreams

9 months ago

Rehan Staton’s unwavering determination pushed him forward despite financial limitations and lacking academic resources. Against all odds, he defied challenges to fulfill his dream of attending Harvard Law School. His inspiring journey demonstrates that greatness knows no boundaries and serves as a potent reminder that unexpected circumstances can lead to incredible achievements.

Faced hardships at a young age but still thrived.

Rehan found inspiration while working at Bates Trucking and Trash Removal to seek college again, despite leaving high school with a GPA below 2.0 and having his teachers question his potential. Before moving to the University of Maryland, where he graduated in 2018 and served as the undergraduate commencement speaker, he attended Bowie State University.

He and his family nearly lost their house in 2019 while he was battling a terrible illness. So, he decided to go back to school after being motivated by his father’s perseverance following a stroke. After taking the LSAT less than a year earlier, he was successful and later accepted into Harvard Law School.

More blessings arrive for Rehan’s dream to come into reality.

The blessings didn’t stop. Actor Tyler Perry kindly offered to pay for Staton’s education upon seeing a video of Staton celebrating his acceptance to Harvard. Additionally, a GoFundMe campaign raised over $200,000 to support Staton’s journey to the university. Rehan said, “Although I get credit for working hard, working hard was the easy part.”

Staton appreciates the support from those around him, recognizing their care and encouragement. His co-workers at the trash company believed in him and encouraged higher education. He is thankful for a supportive boss who allowed him to manage work and school and a cousin who helped him with LSAT preparation.

Now, a graduate with a degree and giving back to his people.

After successfully graduating with a degree, he continued, “I couldn’t have done it alone.” He made friends with various members of the school personnel throughout his tenure at Harvard. Rehan sees the campus staff as family, regularly communicating and embracing each other. Their close bonds provide him with a sense of security, support, and love.

Staton thanked the Harvard community, including the staff, for giving back. He purchased and distributed $100 worth of Amazon gift cards using his savings in February 2022. Moreover, he contributed to raising $70,000 to support janitors and other support staff members.

He never stops helping people by giving them chances.

Staton established The Reciprocity Effect, an organization dedicated to fostering a more inclusive community at Harvard and bridging the gap between staff and students. Bates Trucking and Trash Removal, where Staton worked on financing his education, contributed $50,000 to support the launch of The Reciprocity Effect. Brent Bates, the assistant operations manager at the company and co-founder of the organization, expressed pride in their joint dedication to community support.

After more fortunate events, he plans to move to New York City and wants to be part of a law firm. He said, “The allure is huge. I went to work in fancy places. I made cool connections and friendships. But I don’t want to forget who I am.”

While engaging in further charitable endeavors, Staton maintains his down-to-earth nature. His hardships and challenges didn’t let him stop him from achieving greatness.

Staton and others appreciate the support they receive, and many people share this appreciation. Similarly, another graduate showed gratitude to her hardworking parents by taking graduation pictures at the place they worked hard to support her.


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