“Gold Digger”: The Real Reason Why Salma Hayek Had an Arranged Marriage With Her Billionaire Husband

month ago

“You only married him for the money” is a comment Salma often heard when she married François-Henri Pinault, a wealthy businessman from France. They first met in 2006 and instantly fell for each other. Their love has only grown stronger since then, and we reveal the truth behind their relationship.

How the couple met.

Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault first met at a 2006 gala at the Palazzo Grassi in Venice, Italy. Even though they had seen each other at different events before, it was that night in Venice where they really got to talk and connect.

Salma has kept the details of their first meeting private but has hinted that it was a whirlwind romance. They spent the whole night chatting and quickly fell for each other. For them, having the same outlook on life was crucial. Soon after, they started dating, which was the beginning of their lasting relationship.

Their marriage was arranged.

Salma Hayek and François-Henri Pinault got engaged in 2007 and tied the knot in 2009. The delay was due to Hayek's fear of marriage. After several failed attempts to set a date, Pinault came up with a plan.

Salma says, "I didn’t even know I was getting married that day. They dragged me to the court. I was nervous. My MIL had already been doing the lunch. I had no choice." Hayek finally married Pinault, and later even agreed to a much bigger celebration.

People were skeptical.

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There have been rumors that Salma Hayek married billionaire François-Henri Pinault just because he's rich, some even call her a gold digger.

Salma says, "When I married him, everybody said, 'Oh, it's an arranged marriage. She married him for the money.' I'm like, 'Yeah, whatever. Think what you want.' And we are strong in love, and I don't even get offended."

The couple proved everyone wrong.

While the start of their love story is a bit of a mystery, their bond has always been strong. Salma is very close to Pinault's kids from his previous marriage. Even though she wanted many children, she couldn’t have any more after having her daughter at 41.

Salma often says, "The huge blessing I’ve had is that my husband has three other children. So I have four. And they are all so different."

Although Salma's marriage thankfully turned out to be great, Jason Momoa's startled fans. His and Lisa Bonet's 16-year relationship was seen as a perfect example of lasting love and partnership. But now, as they finalize their divorce, the reasons behind their split reveal a mix of changing priorities, career paths, and personal dreams.


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