Grandparents Say, “I Do” After 40 Years of Free Union

year ago

A Mexican city recently hosted a highly anticipated wedding. Doña Beba and Don Pancho spent 40 years living together and recently decided to formalize their union. Friends and family joined the octogenarian couple, and the entire town celebrated the occasion in a big way.

Genoveva Romero Encinas, 86, and Francisco Maldonado Valenzuela, 88, tied the knot in January 2023 at the San Pedro de la Cueva parish. Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate with the couple on their special day. Doña Beba stunned in a white dress with a 2-meter-long train and a veil covering her face, while Don Francisco donned a black cowboy-cut suit and hat.

The town’s Municipal Plaza was the perfect location for the party, welcoming hundreds of people. The wedding ceremony and the love for the couple led to travel agencies offering packages to attend the celebration, which included round-trip transportation and food. Stalls were set up in the square, selling churros, fried food, fresh drinks, roasted meat, hot dogs, and other products.

The couple arrived at the party after taking a break, and many couldn’t resist taking a picture with them at what was dubbed “the wedding of the century.”

Doña Beba and Don Pancho’s story is proof that love can last forever. They were too busy enjoying their celebration to give an interview so we could understand their secrets to a long-lasting relationship. But we’re sure that making good memories together is one of them.


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