Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart Keep the Spark Alive In Their Blissful Marriage, and Their Secret Is Simple
With almost 20 years under their belt, it seems that nothing can slow down the solid love story between Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart. Despite many dissimilarities, the Hollywood golden couple has thrived in a world where long-lasting romances are a rare gem.
Bright Side is fascinated by relationships that seem to be unbreakable. We have done some research and we want to share with you the secret behind this dreamy pair’s long-lasting success.
A love that flourished against all odds
When Calista and Harrison first met at the Golden Globes in 2002, the actress spilled her drink on him 20 minutes into their conversation. Perhaps this little clumsy accident helped to break the ice between these 2. Especially given that meeting the iconic action hero of the saga Indiana Jones must have been a little intimidating. In her turn, Calista is also a well-respected Golden Globe-winning actress.
It’s evident that these 2 had the same profession and knew Hollywood well, but when it came to private life, they couldn’t have been more different. He was divorced twice and is the father of 4 children already. She was a single mother of a newly adopted baby boy.
He’s her cute ’’little boy’’ despite being 22 years her senior.
The 22-year-age gap was another ’’big’’ difference between the couple. But it seems that age is really just a number when it comes to this couple. Having said in a 2003 interview that the age difference ’’doesn’t faze’’ her, Calista even admitted that she ’’keeps on forgetting that he’s 22 years older’’ than her. She then went on to add that the Hollywood leading man ’’looks like a little boy." Saying that he was cuter than handsome first thing in the morning.
She revived his sense of commitment
For the last few years before meeting Calista, the Hollywood heartthrob had been seen in nightclubs partying. He even admitted not to have had a serious relationship in a while, except the one he had with his kids. But it seems that meeting Calista was a turning point in his life. He even expressed his surprise to discover that he was ’’capable of establishing a long-lasting relationship, making a serious commitment."
Sharing life together means also sharing chores
An avid pilot, Ford isn’t far from the adventure-seeking superhero he’s used to playing on the big screen. He even transferred this passion to his wife who declared that she felt free in the air and added “I also think I love it because I really trust Harrison.” However, despite his outdoor hobbies, being with his other half and helping around the house comes first. The Indiana Jones hero had said that he would go flying, walk in the woods, or ride his mountain bike only if he first completed the chores designated by his wife.
Adding to this, the actor is also a devoted dad to their adopted son, Liam, who is now 20. He even jokingly declared in 2003 that he had plenty of experience changing diapers, having raised 4 kids before Liam, “I’m good at changing diapers. No sense letting that experience go to waste.”
Silence is their winning trick to an everlasting relationship
The actor is known to be tight-lipped and prefers keeping his personal life private. But when asked about the secret behind his solid marriage, he had this advice to give: “Don’t talk. Nod your head.”
It seems that silence is a winning golden ticket that he uses not only in his professional life but also when it comes to the couple’s relationship. And from what we see, so far, it has been working like a charm.
Do you believe that staying silent at times can save a relationship from tricky situations? What do you think is the secret component to a solid and everlasting relationship?
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l love his movies so much...from Star wars to lndiana Jones..

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