How 15 Actresses With Unusual Appearances Would Look If They Followed Modern Beauty Trends

4 years ago

Beauty is a multifaceted and constantly-changing thing. The flow is the same as in the fashion world — while thin brows and impressive makeup were trendy yesterday, today, society appreciates a more natural look. This is clearly reflected in the film industry and with pop stars — while some try hard to look younger and follow fashion trends, others, on the contrary, adhere to a chosen style over many years and oftentimes end up being remembered by viewers even more.

It’s a known fact that we at Bright Side love to experiment, and today, we decided to find out what movie celebrities with unconventional appearances would look like if they decided to follow modern beauty standards.

Tilda Swinton

Charlotte Gainsbourg


Helena Bonham Carter

Rooney Mara

Kristen Stewart

Meryl Streep

Vanessa Paradis

Mayim Bialik

OK so these pictures are about to cancel every sign of personality, age or individuality... Let people age gracefully, for crying out loud! Nobody wants soulless robots


Maisie Williams

Natalie Dormer

Lily Cole

Irène Jacob

Julianne Nicholson

THEY aren't saying anything to you, just showing how beautiful these women are and how makeup etc makes a change


Cate Blanchett

Please stop this nonsense, at least these women have chosen to be their authentic selves, I do not even want to think about Cate Blanchet with pumped up lips, horrible, , she and all of the women on this page are so incredibly strong, they do not need all stuff in their faces, it is exactly their face that speaks a thousand words, you can see that each of them has an interesting story to tell, and i tis not about their latest botox party, can no one see how horrible these pumped up faces are ? Or am I too European now ?


Which of these celebrities look better in their new look, in your opinion?


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This is everything that's wrong with social media today's age telling girls that they need to like they always have a glamor filter on, pointing out to girls that wrinkles which are natural for having brown eyes is wrong this whole article is a waste of time


So just totally change the shape of their face or give them Botox? What


A lot of these images have just added colour and arch to eyebrows, added eye makeup and made lips larger with lipstick. I have used temporary lip fullness stuff, no botox. The images show two visions of a woman with and without makeup, your choice


I thought it was a trend to age gracefully, not to look like a walking Instagram filter. The after needs an after after for when all the facelifts, fillers, botox or whatever wondrous things that don't exist that make age appropriate faces look like flatironed 20 year olds has set in


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