I Refused to Extend Our Trip and Left My Girlfriend Stranded in Another Country

10 months ago

Going on adventures together can really bring a couple closer. However, it didn’t really work for our reader. His girlfriend started having doubts, and it got to the point where she needed some space. What was supposed to be a wonderful trip, ended up being a disaster.

One of our readers sent us a message.

Thanks for getting in touch! We’re glad you reached out, and we’re here to offer you some tips that could be useful for you.

Talk to her.

For some reason, your girlfriend decided to take a break. Maybe there are some unresolved issues between you two that you haven’t addressed. It’s possible you unintentionally hurt her or said something offensive, thinking it was harmless. Talk to your girlfriend and express your genuine concern about your relationship.

Apologize if needed.

If you agreed to pay for her return ticket and then didn’t keep your promise, you indeed left her stranded there. However, if she refused to fly back with you or said she’d pay for her return ticket herself, it was her choice to stay. Being upfront and understanding can help avoid any more drama.

Rethink your relationship too.

It’s okay to rethink whether staying in the relationship is the right move for you. She’s already comparing you to other men by using a manipulative phrase like «if you were a good boyfriend.» It seems like she doesn’t see you as one. If that’s the case, it’s better to take a step back and think everything through.

Notice any red flags.

See if your girlfriend did something similar in the past. If there are some things you’re not sure about, try talking about it with your friends or family. Sometimes, getting an outside perspective helps you see things you might have missed and gives you a clearer picture of what’s going on. If things get overwhelming, take some time for yourself and think things through before making any decisions.

Having best friends of the opposite gender is great, but it’s not always easy. In this story, our reader is in a tough spot: her guy best friend proposed to her, but she’s feeling anything but happy.


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