If you can solve this math equation, then you really are a genius

year ago

Many schoolchildren don’t like mathematics because of its strict and complex rules. But this puzzle breaks all known math laws. Can you work it out?

Try to find the connection between these equations:

Based on materials from diply


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Multiple two digits in the given number, then add the same two digits, and then minus the same digits, u will get the answer


When I just saw the total I knew the answers without even reading this or the comments I review that just after I answered to make sure I was right


If you notice properly the third and fourth digits or just the third digit in the numbers have the sum. For example in 8+2=16106, 10 is in between of 16 and 6


Let me explain the trick to this.The first two digits it's the product of the two numbers multiplied together( 8 x 2 =16 ), and the following units contains the sum of the two numbers added together( 8 + 2 = 10), and the number in the ones place is the difference of the two numbers( 8 -2 = 6). So remember, the way to compose a math sentence using this equation is to combine the product, the sum, and the difference of the numbers together( without any addition). Therefore, 8 + 2 equals 16106.

3 years ago
A cat is having a nap right on this comment.

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