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Kevin Hart has landed himself in a wheelchair after an incident that involved a former NFL star. In a video, the actor and comedian explained what happened and left some advice to anyone who’s over 40.
On an Instagram Reels, which Hart captioned with “I got to be the dumbest man alive,” the 44-year-old revealed he’s temporarily left using a wheelchair after running 40-yards in a friendly race against 34-year-old Stevan Ridley, New England Patriots’ former running back.
To Hart, the problem wasn’t the sprint itself, but instead his age. “Ladies and gentlemen, the age 40 is real,” he said at the start of the clip. “To all my men, women out there who are 40 years old and above, it’s not a game. Respect that age. Respect that age, or that age will make you respect it. I was just forced to respect it.”
He continued, “I’m in a wheelchair. Why? Well, because I tried to jump out there and do some young stuff.”
He also detailed what sort of injury resulted in him having to use a wheelchair. “I tore my lower abdomen, my abductors are torn,” he explained. “I don’t know what that is, but I tore them. I tore those too. I can’t walk.”
Although it’s all temporary, people rushed to the comment section of Hart’s post to show him support, including a few of his fellow actors. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson recalled a similar injury of his, writing, “I tore my abductor off my pelvis during a wrestling match. True story. You’ll be fine (...) Heal up.” Will Smith couldn’t help but leave a message either. “Getting older is REAL!! Heal Up, Kev,” he said.
Hart isn’t the only one who doesn’t quite act age-appropriate. Although he did suffer consequences, he wasn’t criticized for it. Former supermodel Paulina Porizkova can’t say the same. The model gets hate online for sharing bikini photos, but she clapped back at the critics with an empowering message.