My SIL Spoiled My Homemade Dish, and It Led to Uncovering Their Family’s Skeleton in the Closet

Occasionally, uninvited guests unexpectedly show up at weddings, surprising the couple and challenging the seating arrangements and catering. Such a situation happened to a Redditor user, and even with all the inconvenience caused, they also came without a present.
I have invited my two cousins and their spouses to my wedding. A total of four were invited. They returned their RSVPs with the two of them and their spouses as coming. (A total of four). When they showed up they each brought their two teenage children so a total of eight people. The venue was able to make extra meals, so they were all able to eat.
I called my mom later to let her know that my cousins (her nephews) left no gift and wanted her to check with them in case I missed something. My mom called them and each stated they didn’t leave a gift with no reason given. They even seemed insulted, but she told them that she was asking in case they opened a gift and didn’t write it down in error. My cousins are in their mid-30s and very well-to-do.
The user got common support from the netizens. Here is what they told:
We understand that welcoming unexpected guests at your wedding can happen to anyone. Here are the ways of how you can prevent this:
Welcoming unexpected guests at your wedding might be unpleasant but there are even more embarrassing situations that sometimes happen at ceremonies, for example, when one person declares their objection. Click here to read about such stories.