My Dad Was Sending My Wife Monthly Payments — When I Found Out Why, I Filed for Divorce

Family & kids
2 days ago

Relationships thrive on trust, openness, and mutual support. Yet sometimes the very people closest to us, those we trust implicitly, can weave webs of secrets that turn our world upside down. Imagine discovering that your father has been secretly sending your wife substantial sums of money every month. This is the story of how a hidden agreement shattered the foundation of our reader’s relationship, leading him to confront a betrayal that had been brewing for years right under his nose.

Their relationship was solid until the husband started noticing odd changes in his wife’s behavior.

“I always believed my marriage to Linda was built on trust and love. We’d been together for six years, married for three. She was my rock through thick and thin, and I thought I was hers. But sometimes, the things you least expect can turn your world upside down.”

“It all started one quiet evening when I noticed Linda acting strangely. We were watching TV, and she kept glancing at her phone nervously as if she was waiting for something. When she excused herself to take a call in the other room, curiosity got the better of me. It was the third time that week she had done that, and it was out of character.”

“When she returned, I casually asked who it was. She brushed it off, saying it was just her friend, Samantha, needing advice. I wanted to believe her, but something felt off. That night, as she slept, I lay awake, a growing sense of unease gnawing at me. What was she hiding?”

He decided to look through her phone, and what he discovered shocked him.

“A few days later, while Linda was out grocery shopping, I took the opportunity to peek at her phone. I knew it was a breach of trust, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. The message thread with Samantha was innocuous enough, but then I stumbled upon a series of bank transaction notifications.”

“Every month, there was a payment from my father’s account to Linda’s. I was stunned. The amounts varied but were significant—ranging from $2,000 to $5,000. These payments had been going on for many years, almost since the beginning of our relationship. Why would my dad be sending money to my wife? My mind raced through a hundred possibilities, each one more troubling than the last.”

“I decided to confront my dad first. He lived about an hour away, in the house where I grew up. I drove there, my thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and suspicion.”

He didn’t expect such betrayal from his father.

“Dad, I need to ask you something,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. He looked up, surprise etched on his face. I took a deep breath. “Why have you been sending money to Linda every month?”

“His face paled and he finally confessed, ’It’s time you knew, but you should sit down. For 3 years, we’ve been secretly paying Linda’s depts. A few years ago, she came to me. She was planning to break up with you. She felt overwhelmed by her student debts and didn’t want to drag you into her financial mess. She thought it was only fair to end things.’”

“My mind reeled. Linda, thinking of leaving me? It was like a punch to the gut.”

“’I knew how much you loved her and how devastated you’d be if she left. So I made a deal with her: I promised to help pay off her student debts if she stayed with you. I started sending her monthly payments, hoping to give her the financial stability she needed to stay in the relationship,’ he said”

The man felt as though his father had bought his wife.

“I felt a surge of anger, betrayal mixing with disbelief. He bribed her to stay with me. “It wasn’t a bribe,” he said quickly. “I saw it as giving her a chance to clear her head and focus on your relationship without the burden of her debts. I thought it was helping you both.”

“I stood up abruptly, unable to listen any longer. “Dad, you manipulated my marriage. You bought her loyalty. How could you think that would help?”

“Leaving him there, looking broken and defeated, I drove home in a daze. Linda was in the living room when I burst through the door, her face registering immediate concern.”

“I know about the money,” I said, my voice cracking. “My dad told me everything.”

“Linda’s face went white. She sank onto the couch, tears spilling down her cheeks.”

The man made the most difficult choice of his life.

“’I never wanted to hurt you. I was scared and overwhelmed by my debts. I didn’t know what to do. Your dad’s offer seemed like a lifeline. I thought I could make it work, that I could love you without feeling guilty about my financial mess,’ she said, her voice trembling.”

“’You were going to leave me. And instead of talking to me, you made a deal with my dad? You built our marriage on a lie,’ I said with the realization cutting deeper.”

“’I thought I was protecting you. I thought if I could just get through it, we’d be okay. But I was wrong. I should have trusted you, been honest from the start,’ she sobbed.”

“Her words hung in the air, a heavy silence following them. I couldn’t look at her, couldn’t reconcile the love I felt with the betrayal I was facing. The days after were a blur of pain and reflection. I couldn’t shake the feeling of betrayal from both Linda and my dad.”

With a heavy heart, I filed for divorce. It was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. What would you have done in my place? But my wife is still trying to reach out, prove she loves me, and rebuild our relationship. I know I love her too, but I can’t let go of what happened. Should I try to save and rebuild our relationship? Perhaps your readers can offer me some good advice. Can love repair the damage done by secrets and lies?”

Our other reader wrote to Bright Side to tell her heart-wrenching story of friendship and betrayal when she broke up with her fiancé right before the wedding after reading a note from her maid of honor.


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