My Ex Cheated on Me With My Best Friend, And Now They Want Me To Attend Their Wedding

3 hours ago

Breakups are hard enough, but getting cheated on by your boyfriend with your best friend is a whole other level of pain. Just when you think you’ve moved on, they reach out and ask you to come celebrate their wedding. That’s the crazy situation one girl found herself in, and she shared her story online to get some advice on what to do next.

He cheated on me with my best friend.

My boyfriend broke up with me because he had feelings for my best friend Ana. We hung out a lot and they said they had feelings for one another. They admitted that Josh had been cheating on me. They made a fool out of me. They made me think that everything was okay when it was really not.

If they admitted it at that time, I would have tried to be understanding and tried to support them, but they chose to lie. So I cut them both off. I focused on school and found a job with a good income. They tried reaching out to me saying that they wanted to be friends but I blocked them.

I moved on with my life.

Now, I’m living in the town next to our hometown. I got a wonderful job opportunity, so I moved, but I liked that I was still close enough to visit my parents and other relatives. About a month ago, I heard about their wedding from a common friend. It didn’t bother me anymore, so I just went on with my life.

They suddenly reached out to me.

A week ago, I got a message from Ana, telling me that they’d like me to be a part of the wedding party. I replied, “Congratulations. No, thank you.” I had no feelings for Josh anymore and I’m even seeing someone else, but I don’t want to celebrate the wedding of two people who betrayed me.

They were insistent. Josh also messaged me via a different number. Some of my friends also tried to convince me to come to the wedding. I firmly said no. Even my mom called me asking if I was going and when I said no, she sounded disappointed but she didn’t push it. This is all just quite weird to me. Why would you want your ex-best friend, the girl you cheated on, to be part of your wedding party?

It’s getting worse.

The day before yesterday, Ana’s parents called me, telling me that they missed me and hoped I could go to the wedding. I said that I would not be going. Her mom berated me, saying that I should let bygones be bygones and that I should be happy for her daughter. I asked her if I cheated on Ana’s boyfriend and then invited her to the wedding, would she convince Ana to go? She had no answer to this and I hung up.

This is quite getting out of hand because I’m receiving more than 20-30 calls and texts a day from their friends and family about this wedding. Any advice on how to handle this? Why do they want me to go to their wedding? I don’t think it’s normal that they are very insistent.

People took her side.

  • They want you at the wedding to help relieve their guilt they think it will make people think all is forgiven and forgotten when in reality no one will ever trust these two people with their partners or friends ever let them rot and if people go on and on cut contact with them too.
    Plus_Data_1099 / Reddit
  • I suspect Ana doesn’t have a lot of female friends. No one trusts her around their boyfriends. No one wants to be her bridesmaid. Ana made her bed, and now she can lay in it. They’ll stop bugging you after the wedding. In the meantime, block.
    Spoonbills / Reddit
  • They want you at the wedding to rewrite history. They started their relationship in the worst possible way and probably think that if you’re at the wedding it legitimizes their start. They couldn’t possibly have betrayed you if you were at their wedding. Part of me would want to go and ruin their day. Wear red. Tell stories about how they got together. But I’d probably just block them all, they’re not worth the effort.
    SubstantialMaize6747 / Reddit
  • Stay away from them. Don’t even wonder as to why they are so weirdly obsessing over you being part of their wedding! Tell them to move on. Straight up tell them to stop bothering you. Tell them that they are entering harassment territory, and you will not hesitate to exercise your rights if they don’t stop.
    Plus_Stuff_vin / Reddit

Family and cultural differences can complicate relationships. In this article, our reader felt isolated by her husband’s family, who didn’t like her and often excluded her from events. Everything blew up when she overheard them insulting her in their native language. Little did they know, she understood every word.

Preview photo credit Edward Howell / Unsplash


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