A Woman’s Ex-Fiancé Came Up With an Audacious Suggestion After Leaving Her at the Altar

8 months ago

For many people, their wedding day is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives. For our today’s heroine, this statement is true, but she’ll have nightmarish memories about this special day. It’s all because of her groom, who left her right at the altar. 4 years passed, the woman almost healed and now her ex-fiancé decided to show up and made her burst with anger with one more unfair trick.

The woman’s special day turned into a big trauma.

A woman, who goes under a nickname ThrowRA-exdramas on Reddit, has written a post that made many users burst with emotions.

She began her story saying that she is 29 years old. Four years ago she was supposed to be getting married to her fiancé at the time, she called him J. She describes her wedding day as a positive experience, with lots of nice preparations. Basically, everything was going perfect, she was in her dress, had her make up on and taken pictures with her bridesmaids.

She wrote that she was pretty much ready to walk down the aisle when a horrible thing happened. J’s best man pulled her to the side and said her fiancé was gone. Her beloved had gotten into a car and left, and no one was able to get a hold of him.

Starting a new life was pretty much a challenge for the heartbroken woman.

The woman continues her story, and her emotions seem as fresh as they probably were at that gloomy day of her life. She wrote that she came home to their apartment after her fiancé vanished. She discovered that all his stuff was gone. The woman revealed that he’s been pretty much a ghost ever since he left her, and she literally had to force herself to move on.

She even ended up going on their honeymoon with her best friends (which she thinks was the best decision ever). She had to then put herself in therapy to heal the horrible trust issues she now has. And she hasn’t heard from him once until one day.

The runaway groom reminded about himself.

The woman supposes that J previously got back in contact with an old mutual friend. And they might have given him her number. J texted her and said he wants to meet up and apologize. He said he has a lot to explain to her about what happened that day. She felt absolutely torn.

She was sure J was a dead memory, but her curiosity and desire to get closure with him was pestering her. Her current boyfriend supported her whatever she decided. However, the woman hesitated and felt it out of respect to him and how wonderful he’s been. She thought she should ghost J.

But after thinking things over, she finally decided to meet him.

Meeting with J resulted in lots of details about his weird actions 4 years ago.

The woman did meet up with J. She confessed that it did not add any value to her life. Also, it was part of a 12-step program and he was making amends. They met up at a park and her boyfriend came with her. He sat off to the side while J and the woman talked. She confessed that she was feeling stupider after meeting with him. There were a lot of things in their relationship that would have her out the door if she paid more attention and if he wasn’t such a great liar.

Basically, for the last year of their relationship, he was cheating on her. He appeared to be gay and faced some social difficulties because of that. His family were incredibly homophobic and horrible people. So, he acted like he was in love with her when he was actually in love with someone else. He had met his boyfriend at work, and the woman had actually met him a few times when she’d drop off lunch for J.

When their wedding approached, his boyfriend said he needed to choose and J chose him. So he packed his bags up and pretended everything was great until his boyfriend picked him up, and they moved two towns over. He apologized for not just being honest with the woman and leading her on like he did. The woman responded that she’d prefer for them not to have any contact moving forward, but she does forgive him. He said he understood, and he was only in town for a few more days, and he’d be gone for good again.

The woman concludes her story, saying, “I’ll admit when I got home, I cried. My boyfriend held me and ordered me my favorite take out. He’s been really the best and didn’t pressure me to talk about anything until I was ready. So if I got anything out of the worst day of my life, it’s led me to who I’m with now.”

And here’s a story of a bride, who asked all her guests to wear blindfolds at her wedding, and the reason behind it might surprise you.

Preview photo credit Guilherme Stecanella / Unsplash


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