My Husband Insisted on an Open Marriage, Now That We Have It, He Can’t Stop Complaining

2 hours ago

People may want an open marriage for different reasons, and such type of relationship may even work well for some families. But, definitely, not for everyone.

Our reader, Samantha, 33, has penned us a letter and shared her experience, which turned out to be really epic. Being a monogamous woman, Samantha didn't want to share her beloved husband with anyone else. But he kept pushing, and the woman decided to teach him a lesson of respect.

Samantha wrote us a letter.

Samantha, 33, has recently shared her turbulent family story with our editorial. The woman wanted us to publish it, unaltered. She sincerely wondered if other people would support her in her decision of teaching her husband a pretty cruel, but still justified, lesson.

Samantha opened her letter, saying, "Hi, Bright Side! I'm 33, and I used to think that by this age I've achieved everything a woman might dream of. I have a happy family with my beloved husband, Steve, 39. We run a successful business together, we have a very nice house and, what's the most heartwarming - we have 2 absolutely adorable kids."

"Our life has been awesome, up until one day, when my husband, Steve, decided that he wanted a change in our relationship and came forward with an absolutely wild idea which I hated from the very start."

Steve insisted on an open marriage, and Samantha couldn't say "no".

Samantha goes on with her story, saying, "So, my husband of 12 years literally forced me to agree to an open marriage. He approached me and said, 'You must agree to it, or I'll divorce you.' I love him, so I agreed. We both started dating other people."

"Recently, we had an epic scandal, all because one of my 'love partners' sent me nice flowers and an expensive ring with a pretty big diamond. I must say that before that, Steve bought presents for his side partners and I knew about that, so it seemed like everything was fair between us. We both were free to choose our partners, and we both were okay with the signs of attention that accompanied our side relationship."

"But by some reason, the flowers and the ring that I got as a present from another man, made Steve extremely mad."

Steve’s reaction to the presents from Samantha’s partner was part of the plan.

Samantha shared, "Steve got totally mad after he saw the flowers and the ring. He blamed me of being a light-minded woman and an absolutely bad mother to our kids. He said that it's totally inappropriate that some stranger knows my address and orders a delivery to my house, where our kids also live. Steve claimed that I didn't think of our kids' safety, and he was very emotional."

"Then, he literally started crying. Well, he had a clear meltdown, and he was blaming me of all sins in the world. When I tried to object, saying, that he was seeing other women and I was fine with that, because it was his initiative, he didn't even want to listen. I never saw him crying, like, with tears in his eyes. But this time he was smashed, broken and absolutely helpless."

"And now let me tell you that this was the part of my cruel plan."

Samantha taught her husband an important life lesson.

Samantha wrote, "All this time, while Steve was having side relationships with other women, I remained faithful to him. I only pretended that I had other men in my life, because I didn’t want to feel totally humiliated. But I had a plan, and part of it was to show my husband that he’s not irreplaceable and that sooner or later there will be a man in my life, who will treat me like a princess."

"I didn’t share my home address with any other man, I bought these flowers myself and arranged the delivery. The ring was borrowed from my grandma, it was our family heirloom ring and I knew it was very expensive. So, I arranged everything to look like I got a costly present from my side love partner, when in fact, I didn’t have any side partners at all."

The woman shared, "Now, Steve insists that we must return to a monogamous marriage, and he says he’s fed up with 'these nasty experiments'. But I don’t want him to feel relaxed now. I recently told him that I really liked the idea of an open relationship, and now I’m reconsidering my views towards it."

"Now, my dear husband is putting all his efforts and energy into persuading me that we totally must treat this open relationship as his own stubborn mistake. And it brings me satisfaction to see him trying to conquer my heart again. I think it was worth it. What would you do if you were in my shoes?"

And here’s a story of a woman, who took a married man away from his family and got hit by karma instantly.

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I think you were very wise, so you should let him for a while think you got a prince charming willing to do everything for you... good lesson!


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