I Banned My SIL From Seeing My Baby After She Made a Creepy Joke That Raised Red Flags

Imagine a mom who works outside the home telling us how her mother-in-law doesn’t like it and calls her a «bad mom» for not staying home. Even though she loves her family and her job, she feels upset because some people still think moms should only stay home. She wants to share her story to show how many women face this pressure and why it’s important to support all moms, no matter if they work or stay at home.
«I(31F) am a manager for cybersecurity engineering for a big tech company. My husband is an internal medicine specialist. I make over 200k a year, and he recently started making his full salary around 400k.
We had our first child around 2 years ago, and I’m pregnant with our second. My family is pretty open-minded about it, but my husband’s family are old-fashioned and there is a consensus from them that women who are married with children shouldn’t be working.»
«So I’ve been getting „hints“ from them that I should be a stay at home mom and leave the money making to my husband. I don’t want to leave my job and my company is relatively understanding. I got 6 months off (3 months with full pay and 3 months without) for my first child and was able to keep my current position. The male members of my team are also able to take paternity leave.
So I don’t see why I have to leave my job. I also paid most of the bills while my husband wasn’t making much as a resident.»
«My husband and I outsource all our cleaning, grocery delivery, lawn maintenance, etc., so all we do is cook. So almost all our time at home is spending time together as a family. But my MIL has commented how it’s not right I outsource these things because a mother shows her love by cleaning after her kids and husband.
My MIL recently came over and while eating dinner she said the food was great and complemented me and I said my husband made the food. She was shocked and said it wasn’t right that my husband has to do any work after his long shift. I got annoyed and said that I was working longer than him today, and she said well then you should quit so you don’t need to.
I got mad and told her it’s ridiculous to expect me to quit just because she has old-fashioned ideas that women need to be on their knees scrubbing away. My MIL was offended, but my husband told her it’s already be settled, and I’m going to still be working. But everyone always telling me I’m a bad mom if I don’t quit my job has me worn down.»
Some think being a stay-at-home mom is easy, but it’s actually really tough. It’s not just about cleaning, cooking, budgeting, and taking care of the kids. Even though these jobs are important, stay-at-home moms often don’t get the respect they deserve. One mom bravely shared her story to show how challenging it can be and how people don’t always appreciate what stay-at-home moms do.