I Banned My MIL from My Baby's Life After She Refused Babysitting Duties

Family & kids
2 months ago

Juggling the demands of full-time jobs while caring for a young child can be incredibly stressful for parents. In search of assistance, Lenny approached her mother-in-law, who had an open schedule, hoping for some relief. To her dismay, her mother-in-law refused, asserting that full-time babysitting wasn’t her obligation. Disheartened and desperate, Lenny made a bold move that quickly led to unforeseen complications. Overwhelmed and emotionally drained, the young mother sought our support for a way forward.

This is Lenny’s letter:

She has shown her true colors and so has your husband (he will back her every time...like cutting hair, piercing ears, with asking you). Asking for full time daycare was not good, maybe one or to days a week would have worked. Also, banning was over the top. Should have just made sure visiting fit your schedule not hers. Her taking the child was kidnapping......... Your husband being okay with it is a bad sign. This child from now on should not be left alone with it. You or one of your parents should be present. Your husband will say he stay with them. but he wont.....he will leave the child alone with his mother.


Hi Lenny! Thank you for opening up and sharing your experience. We’ve put together some helpful tips to guide you through this challenging situation.

Confront his indifference.

Your partner's indifferent reaction is a notable problem. Have a composed yet direct conversation to share how his behavior during this situation made you feel unsupported and let down.

Stress the necessity of working together as equals, especially when addressing matters that affect your child's welfare. Should he remain unwilling to engage, seeking assistance from a relationship counselor might provide a constructive path forward.

Pursue legal safeguards.

Your mother-in-law’s behavior—intruding and taking your child without consent—may be a legal violation. Speak with a family attorney to understand your rights and consider steps like obtaining a restraining order or other legal safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to your home or child.

Taking these measures will not only prioritize your child’s safety but also establish firm boundaries and enforce accountability for her actions.

Reset boundaries firmly.

Sit down with your mother-in-law for a straightforward yet respectful conversation. Clearly articulate why her actions were inappropriate and how they undermined your trust as a parent.

Outline clear guidelines regarding her role in your child’s life, such as needing your prior approval for any visits or interactions. Emphasize that while her role as a grandmother is valued, these boundaries are firm and essential for maintaining a healthy dynamic.

Empower and support your nanny’s authority.

Reassure your nanny and help her feel confident and supported in her role. Talk openly about the incident, acknowledge her concerns, and provide guidance to restore her trust in the work environment.

Establish clear protocols for dealing with unapproved visitors, including contacting you immediately and, if necessary, involving law enforcement. These steps will help prevent similar situations, reinforce her authority, and create a safer environment for your child.

Frannie finds herself entangled in a challenging dispute with her mother-in-law. The MIL has offered an extravagant gesture: purchasing a home for the newlyweds. However, Frannie is apprehensive about accepting the gift, worried it may come with hidden expectations or obligations. Her concerns are amplified by her perception of her mother-in-law as overly controlling. To complicate matters further, her husband is backing his mother in the disagreement, leaving Frannie feeling isolated and without an ally. Read her full story here.


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ummm I think you totally overreacted as well as you totally discounted you MIL's autonomy. You said she wastes her time with zumba and friend lunches. 1. it's her life and she can chose what she like doing. 2. She is not an on call babysitter. She has a life of her own. You came across very entitled. You did not get your way so you retaliated by cutting off access. I do agree your MIL was in the wrong to raid your home and grab the kid. I think you both need to sit down and discuss the issue. You specifically need to change your thinking about her time.


You are wrong , baby sitting is not the job of MILs . You over acted , she loves her grandchild and banning her from seeing her grand is not justified at all .


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