10 People Who Would Love to Erase Their Embarrassing Moments From Their Memory

Parents are supposed to be our strongest defense in the world. They are the people we assume will protect us, and always have our best interests at heart. Some parents may turn out to have feet of clay, as this teenager recently discovered, and shared on Reddit, asking other adults for advice on how to get back on his feet (edited for clarity).
My parents had me when they were teenagers. They were just 19 and 20. When I was 6, my mom got pregnant. We were living with my mom’s parents, then my parents moved the three of us into another house.
In the last decade, they have had 5 more kids. They don’t know how to parent. Obviously, my siblings always act out.
They spit, mess with people’s food by like slobbering all over it or putting it in their own mouths and spitting it back out, they leave leftover food everywhere to rot, and they’ll throw food on the floor. Like if my mom gets frozen pizzas for dinner and there’s something my siblings don’t like on it, the topping goes on the floor. They have tantrums in public and break stuff all the time.
My parents put my youngest sibling in my room when she was a baby. I had to wake up at night and deal with the dirty diapers. It was very stressful. Plus, they always made me babysit.
Last week, my mom and dad announced that they were pregnant again. I’m 17 now, and I called my grandparents so fast my head was probably spinning. I begged my grandparents to let me move in, and they agreed.
They were so mad when they heard mom was expecting another kid. I packed up my essentials (including my passport and other papers) and I left. I didn’t tell my parents because I knew they would have tried to stop me. My parents were not only angry, they lost all the free help. So, my grandparents dealt with them, but it doesn’t stop there.
My furious parents called the cops on my grandparents twice already, and are threatening to sue them now. What do I do now?
Parents are human too, and end up making mistakes, some worse than the others. But what happens when the dynamic is between an adult stepchild and a parent who feels awkward and creeped out? Read on to know more.