Prove Your Logic Skills by Solving These 14 Matchstick Puzzles

4 years ago

Visual puzzles increase our attention span and ability to notice small details, or in simpler words, our power of observation. And if we add a logical challenge into the mix, we have a perfect combination to train the mind and get our logical juices flowing.

Bright Side prepared 14 visual puzzles in which you’ll have to move a few matches in your head, but you can also do the exercise with real matches (without lighting them). To find out the correct answer, just tap on each picture. At the end of the article, you’ll find a bonus feature that will help you solve some of the puzzles too — but that also presents one last unsolved one.

1. Remove 4 matches to keep 5 squares only.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

2. Move 2 matches so that the cherry is out of the cup.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

3. Make the animal look back by moving only 2 matches.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

4. Fix the equation by adding only 1 match.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

5. Move 3 matches so that the lobster points its claws downward instead of upward as it’s doing now in the picture.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

6. Move 1 match so that this fraction of a seventh, written in Roman numerals, equals 1.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

7. Move 3 matches to get 2 squares out of this spiral.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

8. Turn these 3 matches into 6 without breaking any of them.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

9. Move 4 matches to get 3 squares out of the existing 2.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

10. Move 3 matches to form 3 triangles of equal size.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

11. Fix the equation by moving only 1 match.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

12. Move 3 matches to turn this candle into a hat.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

13. From this number, 5,008, make the highest possible number by moving only 2 matches.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

14. Move 5 matches to balance this scale.

Tap to see the answer
Tap to see the answer

Bonus: This video shows all the correct answers and leaves you with an extra puzzle to solve at the end!

Were you able to solve them all? Do you think your friends or family could do better? Test them by sharing this article with them!


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Ok.. I think it's time for me to stop reading such articles. WHAT"S WRONG WITH ME??? I got just 3/14 :p


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