“Issues are unavoidable when you talk about what is happening”
Characters usually then say “I was protecting you that’s why I didn’t tell you at first”
No look John,everyone is going to die because you were protecting one person
Reddit Users Talk About 20+ Things That Are Normal in Movies Yet Rarely Possible in Real Life
The magic of cinema can make anything possible, but attentive viewers can always see through the trick. It would be great if movie makers would hire ordinary people as their consultants once in a while because as we already know: you can’t really find a parking place on a busy street in a mere second, schooling takes more than 1 hour a day, and you’ll never wake up with perfect hair and makeup.
Here at Bright Side, we came across a Reddit thread where people talked about movie scenes that we could hardly imagine happening in real life, and we wonder if you can add anything else to this list.
Wherever the detective has to go, they always find a parking spot right in front of the place. Downtown Manhattan included. @ataru-moroboshi
Police take a DNA sample and have the results in an hour. @inkseep1
Scientists in any field are experts in every other field of science as well, e.g. the physicist in Annihilation concluding the tree formations are due to homeotic mutations. @survivalothefittest
Waking up in the morning in full hair and makeup without morning breath @whereegosdare84
2 people having a conversation, and a third person joins the conversion completely up to speed on what is being talked about, even though they weren’t even in the room 2 seconds ago @khendron
Working as a waiter and living in a huge apartment with a full fridge and expensive clothes @DemonLinuzzz
Mom makes a huge breakfast and lays it all out. Kids and husband grab a bagel on the way out the door, ignoring all the food. @FTAKJ
Taking one bite and you’re done, haha. @SplitAPineapple0
Nobody ever has to use the toilet. @MyAntipodeanFriend
Issues are easily avoidable if the person just explains what is happening. @dan-o07
Women can be in the jungle for days but nobody has hair anywhere. Men instantly grow a beard. @bubblebumblejumble
Always having your hair look nice @ProudSetting
Not just hair, but full makeup and shaved legs. Even after being chased by a killer for hours, or living amongst zombies, or doing physical activity. @Maebyfunke37
A guy walks in holding a 30-page document, gives it to some other dude. The dude who’s getting the document glances at the first page for a nanosecond and immediately knows everything there is to know about this case. @I_hate_traveling
School in movies just consumes about 10% of the day. @blacka1rforceRuto
Walking home from the grocery store carrying a single paper bag with an unwrapped loaf of French bread sticking out the top @takehiko28
Unless they’re written to be stupid or as comic relief, people in movies talk with zero filler words. In real life, very few people are able to do that. @Wind_Yer_Neck_In
Meeting new friends the minute you move to a new town @Pralineswith***
All channels always having either news or old movies @GustavoAlex7789
Ask your friends to meet you at a predetermined time and place with no explanation as to why. I have a hard time getting friends to meet up for legitimate reasons with advanced notice. Meanwhile, movie characters come together in an abandoned warehouse like...(they all walk in at the same time) “Why’d you call?” @huazzy
Hacking is typing really fast. @inkseep1
“Enhancing” a bad quality image to 4k and zooming in to the size of a microbe with perfect clarity. @AtL_eAsTwOoD
Not saying bye before hanging up @faerieunderfoot
Not doing the awkward goodbye where you say bye, then hang on a second to see if they’re gonna say anything else @kitcat8457
Do you agree with these Redditors? What do you think are the most unrealistic scenes that we often see in movies and TV shows?
I agree with you
The one about talking with no filler words got me thinking, they also never pause or just forget what they were doing or talking about
Is it possible to learn the superpower of having a parking space always right in front of the place ?

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