Rumer Willis Flaunts Her Growing Baby Bump and Reveals Her Delivery Plans

In December last year, Rumer Willis and her partner, Derek Richard Thomas, delighted us with the news of her pregnancy with a couple of lovely pictures showing an already visible belly. As Willis entered her third trimester a few days ago, the 34-year-old shared updates on her journey to motherhood, and this time around, she also revealed a couple of details about delivery plans.

Rumer Willis can’t wait to become a mother.

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore’s oldest daughter looks radiant and is clearly enjoying her first pregnancy, and even when things become challenging or frustrating, the excitement of becoming a first-time mom overrides all of it. ’’I just can’t wait to meet them. I’m just so delighted, and I just can’t wait to hear them laugh, to figure out who they are, play with them, and get to know them,’’ Willis said.

She’ll follow in her mom’s footsteps when it comes to birth.

In a recent interview, Willis discussed her delivery plans and hinted that she’d like to opt for a natural birth without medication, saying that it has always been her plan: ’’That’s how my mom did it, and I grew up knowing that, but I think it’s so individual.’’ Her wish is to give birth at home, but she is open to other possibilities depending on how she’ll feel at the time.

Pregnancy taught her some important lessons.

For Rumer Willis, pregnancy and birth are fascinating topics, and she wants to know everything about them. ’’I have all the things. I’m reading all the books,’’ shared Willis.

She is in such awe of this magnificent process that she’s also training to be a doula and admits that she’s always been ’’a bit of birth junkie," explaining, ’’You can literally create life from scratch. It’s such an incredible privilege and this wild thing that your body knows exactly what to do.’’

Willis also emphasizes the importance of not resisting the changes and says that ’’the biggest lesson’’ she has learned so far is to ’’surrender’’ as she transitions to motherhood.

’’It’s so fun to be bringing in the first grandkid in our family.’’

Willis said that she hopes her child will be blessed with the same ’’silliness’’ and “goofiness” that runs in her blended family. ’’We’re a family of weirdos, and I love that so much,’’ Willis said, adding that waiting for the arrival of the first grandkid in the Willis-Moore family is ’’super fun.’’ Willis and her partner, Thomas, recently hosted a lovely baby shower, and we hope that a gender reveal party is up next.

Preview photo credit rumerwillis / Instagram


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