The Irwin Family Is Bound to Get Bigger, Thanks to Robert Irwin and His Girlfriend

10 months ago

A source close to the Irwin family spilled exciting news about Robert Irwin and his girlfriend, Rorie Buckey. However, it didn’t make everyone happy, as his mom appears to be concerned about it.

Australian wildlife conservationist Robert Irwin, the 19-year-old son of the late Steve Irwin, is reportedly considering proposing to his girlfriend, Rorie Buckey, after just a few months of dating. However, sources suggest that Robert’s mother, Terri Irwin, has expressed concerns about the young couple’s swift path towards marriage.

“Everyone is convinced he is aiming to pop the question when they’re in Africa,” an insider revealed, referring to where Robert will be shooting the show I’m a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! as a host. “Robert is crazy about her and is planning something unforgettable when he formally proposes. They both know it is part of their plans so he’s been dreaming up special ways to make it a surprise.”

Although Rorie has a good relationship with everyone in Robert’s close circle, especially his family, his sister Bindi has her reservations about a possible engagement and his mom Terri is worried about the fact that they might be moving too fast. “Terri feels like Robert is moving way too fast,” the insider said. “Rorie’s a sweetheart and it’s easy to see why he is absolutely smitten, but Terri knows the stakes are high.”

Despite everything, Robert Irwin is said to have aspirations of emulating his father’s romantic gesture, as Steve proposed to Terri just eight months into their relationship in 1992. So, in more ways than one, Robert seems eager to follow in his dad’s footsteps.

The couple is currently living a long-distance relationship, as Robert is working at the Australian Zoo in Queensland, while Rorie is in the opposite coast, in Perth. Still, they have been showing their loving relationship online with photos of the two, since they became Instagram official in August, 2023.

Despite what they decide for their future, we support the cute couple and wish them all the best!

Robert Irwin has been honoring the Irwin name and legacy in all ways possible. On October, 2023, he celebrated the breeding of a rare species of turtle that was discovered by his father, Steve Irwin, in 1990, and the moment included an emotional tribute to his dad.


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