The Love Story of Peter Dinklage and Erica Schmidt Proves That True Love Doesn’t Need Anyone’s Validation

year ago

In today’s world, we often witness insincere and short-lasting relationships. However, there will always be couples who show us that true love still exists. Even though Peter Dinklage and Erica Schmidt are shy about their private life, they open up about their marriage from time to time. And we can only thank them for that because they can teach us a lot about how to nurture our relationships.

At Bright Side, we believe that communication and respect are keys to a happy marriage. Read on to find out what keeps Peter and his wife Erica in love after so many years.

Peter and Erica met in the night when elephants were walking through Manhattan.


The story about the night when the couple met is a real-life romantic movie. They were at a friend’s house and heard that the circus was visiting town. When they went out, they saw a long line of elephants walking through Manhattan. To make things even more romantic, it was snowing that night.

Dinklage admires his wife’s personality.

Nils Jorgensen/Capital Pictures/East News

We may be fascinated with someone’s looks, but if we don’t appreciate them as a person, our love will not last. Game of Thrones star knows that, and in a 2015 interview with The Guardian, he clearly shows his admiration. He emphasized her love and passion for theatre, calling her inspiring and “the artist of the family.”

Erica loves Peter’s flirtatious side.

East News

Dinklage wasn’t so confident at the beginning of his career, but with time, he learned to be comfortable in his skin. His appeal and sense of humor leave an impression on women and, apparently, Erica was one of them. She finds her husband incredibly handsome and charming, which, among many other things, keeps her in love with him.

They don’t compete with each other.

Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News

Erica and Peter both belong to the same industry. However, they never compete with each other. Instead, they choose to accept each other and cooperate together. The actor and his wife are both talented and successful in their own ways.

The couple doesn’t seek outside validation.

Invision/Invision/East News

Modern-day relationships are often all about exposing and posting pictures on social media — but not for Peter and Erica. They treasure their privacy above everything, and they’re not one of those couples who easily reveal their personal secrets. Even though people are curious about the couple’s life, they’ve even managed to keep their daughter’s name a secret for 5 years.

At the end, it’s all about teamwork.

Frederick Taylor/Broadimage/EAST NEWS

After filming Game of Thrones, Peter was in the spotlight all the time. That’s why he suggested moving from Manhattan to a rural area of New York. It wasn’t the perfect solution for Erica as she works on Broadway, which is located in Manhattan. However, she didn’t object to it since she knew that making compromises and sacrifices is inevitable in a successful marriage.

Do you prefer keeping your relationship private or sharing the details of your love life with others?

Preview photo credit East News, Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/East News


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