We Used the Old-Age Filter on 15 Retro Photos of Celebs and Compared Them With Their Modern Pics (You’d Never Recognize Keanu Reeves)

5 years ago

Recently our social network feeds have started to look like a nursing home — a mobile app called FaceApp created a filter that shows what you’ll look like when you get old, and this has absolutely taken over the online community — people are taking selfies, pics of their pets, and even putting photos of favorite movie characters in the old-age filter and sharing them with the world. Famous actors and singers were no exception.

Here at Bright Side we really liked this trend and decided to do an experiment — we put this old age filter on pics of celebrities in their younger years and compared them with their recent photos. Some celebs look just like their “app copies” and some differ dramatically. Take a look!

1. Tom Hanks, 63

2. Keanu Reeves, 54

3. Meryl Streep, 70

4. Bill Murray, 68

5. Sigourney Weaver, 69

6. Madonna, 60

7. Susan Sarandon, 72

8. Richard Gere, 69

9. Harrison Ford, 77

10. Pierce Brosnan, 66

11. Jim Carrey, 57

12. Anthony Hopkins, 81

13. Jack Nicholson, 82

14. Jessica Lange, 70

15. Sean Connery, 88

Which comparison do you find the most surprising? Have you tried this filter yourself? We can`t wait to see your pictures and comments below!


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Wth did that app do to poor Jessica Lange?!?!

They got her looking 100 yrs old!!


And Keanu Reeves look absolutely unrecognizable and for that I was laughing very hard 🤣 😂 !!


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