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Many kids imagine themselves having the superpowers of a spider, some animal, or a bird. But what if we turn on our imaginations and really think about what advantages we would have if we could borrow certain animal features and use them in our everyday life? From a scientific point of view, some of those abilities would come in very handy, and others could even save lives.
We at Bright Side have found some incredible animal abilities that could change our outlook and lives completely.
With a cat’s eyes, your whole life could change in one second. Cats focus on small objects and see people in kind of a portrait mode, similar to your phone camera. Just imagine that during a conversation, your eyes focus on some part of a person’s face. For instance, you see only a nose, while the rest of the face is blurred. Or you only see the eyes, which will give you much more information than any other detail. And this can actually make you a very powerful lie detector.
A study says that if dinosaurs managed to survive, they would have evolved into intelligent humanoid beings. They would resemble humans in many ways. They still would be capable of standing upright while retaining some reptilian features, like the scaly skin and lack of external genitals. However, who knows if the brain capacity would be the same as we have today.
Electric eels have multiple organs to set off an electric shock when they hunt in the water. Their shock can reach a voltage of 1+ amps. That may be enough to activate the coil in a 40-watt light bulb, but it’s not unlikely that a single eel could generate enough power for a small house. Although, in the cell phone century, it could be a real super-power to charge your device when necessary.
Many people would like to have wings to fly or to get to work as fast as possible. But many more guys would prefer a much safer variant, like, for instance, powerful legs built precisely for running fast. Ostriches can sprint in short bursts up to 43 mph (70 kph). They can run for sustained periods of time with a bit lesser speed without losing maneuverability on turns. It’s just right for the speed limits of any city.
Opossums’ bodies can detect and neutralize the venom of snakes, bees, scorpions, and even the kind they haven’t been acquainted with yet, including the ones from far continents. They produce proteins that scientists work hard to copy and adjust, even for humans. For people who like long walks, hiking, and international trips, this would be quite handy.
The addax antelope is a pretty rare species. It has adapted to the harsh conditions of Africa’s Sahara Desert well, particularly by changing the color of its mane every single season. In winter, the antelope has grayish-brown fur. In the summer, the coat turns almost completely white or sandy blonde. It’s a cheap, eco-friendly way of changing your hair color without any dyes or other chemicals!
This superpower would be fun for more than just playing camouflage games. Chameleons change their color to regulate their body temperature as well. They use dark colors to absorb light and heat to raise their body temperature, and lighter ones to reflect light and heat to stabilize and lower it. Perhaps we’d be unrecognizable with each season, but nevertheless, it’d be nice to be able to heat your body without any external help.
Bats emit ultrasonic sounds to produce echoes. This allows them to gather information on their surroundings by comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes. Their ears are so sensitive that they are able to hear even the fluttering of moth wings. Scanning all the sounds around them, they can mentally construct an accurate image of the environment in which they are moving in complete darkness. If every human had such echolocation powers, we’d save a lot of electricity at night.
It’s always great to have an extra hand while shopping and carrying groceries home. But the elephant’s trunk is used for more than just carrying or grasping objects. They also wipe their eyes and take food with them. Additionally, they use their trunks for giving handshakes and even intertwine their trunks to show affection and acceptance. It sounds more hygienic than having to use your hands in every situation.
The fact that a lizard is able to regrow its tail comes as no surprise today. But axolotls have gone much further in this regard. They are able to completely restore any lost limb. Regeneration starts instantly and proceeds at an amazing speed, regardless of the complexity of the damage. Axolotls are able to generate literally everything — new blood vessels, tendons, muscles, bones, nerves, and even the brain. And it will take them only a couple of months to do this!
What animal features have you ever wanted to have? How would it change your life? Why? Please share your stories in the comments below.