You Shouldn’t Risk Taking a Swim in These Places, Period

year ago

Are you a pro swimmer, brave enough to take a dip in any ocean or sea? Bad news, there are some places you should avoid no matter how well you swim or dive. Some of these places have dangerous underwater rocks, strong currents and tides. Others are famous for legends about monsters and mysterious creatures. So let’s dive into this aquatic horror show! Have you ever heard the word “the Strid”? It’s a variation of the word “the stride” that is used in Yorkshire, and it refers to a narrow section of the river Wharfe that’s so small, you could jump over it. But, don’t be fooled by its size, it’s one of the most dangerous spots around. Even taking a step into the water can have dire consequences. The River Wharfe has a forceful current, and since the Strid is so narrow, it’s even stronger in that area. The intense water flow has eroded the limestone around the Strid, which created hollow spaces much deeper than the rest of the riverbed.

Here’s the secret: the current has also weakened the banks of the Strid from below. So, the ground you’re standing on, admiring the rapid flow, is probably just a fragile ledge hanging over treacherous waters. There’s no record of anyone who found themselves in the water of the Strid and found their way out of it. And the worst part? You wouldn’t even guess that this innocent-looking stream could be such a danger. So, my advice to you, my friend, is to stick to a safer body of water for your aquatic adventures. If you’re looking for a weekend getaway in California, Horseshoe Lake is the spot for you! It’s got everything — sandy beaches, hiking trails, and picnic areas. But, wait! There’s more to it than meets the eye. This lake has a dark side, namely around 100 acres of dead trees that surround it. And it’s not just the trees that have been claimed by this lake. The earthquakes that hit in 1989 and 1990 unleashed carbon dioxide from under the hot magma. The gas seeped out into the air, damaging all the life around the lake.

Even now, Horseshoe Lake is just as dangerous as it was 30 years ago. What makes it so scary is that the levels of this toxic gas change randomly. Warning signs that are posted everywhere, certainly could give a horror film touch to a fun hike in the woods. In Kauai, Hawaii, there’s a group of stunning waterfalls that used to be a popular destination for tourists.

Kipu Falls, as they’re called, were once the go-to spot for swimming and diving. To get to them, you had to take a long walk along a dirt path until you finally arrived at a breathtaking view of a 20-foot waterfall pouring into a crystal-clear pool below. But since 2011, this area has been off-limits to the public. Why, you ask? Well, there have been a lot of accidents at Kipu Falls. Obviously, jumping off the top of the waterfall would be an obvious reason for that, but in addition there were much more mysterious cases. Witnesses tell tales of swimmers peacefully enjoying the pool at the bottom of the falls, only to be suddenly dragged under the surface. No definite explanation was found to these accidents.

The locals believe that the water spirit Mo’o is to blame because it doesn’t appreciate being disturbed by loud tourists. There’s also a theory of a powerful whirlpool at the bottom of the pool. In any case, guide publishers do not mention Kipu Falls anymore, and trespassing is severely punished. The Samaesan Hole, located in the Gulf of Thailand, is the ultimate spot for thrill-seeking divers, but it’s also the most dangerous one. With a drop of 280 feet, it’s the deepest diving site in the region. But its depth is not the only reason it is considered a place to avoid. The area is a major shipping zone for giant oil tankers.

The strong currents around the hole make diving even more treacherous. And if that’s not enough, the Samaesan Hole is also home to deadly barracudas that could easily attack unsuspecting divers. The water is so murky that visibility is nearly zero, making it challenging to spot these aggressive sea creatures. All in all, the Samaesan Hole is a breathtaking but extremely hazardous spot that should only be explored by experienced divers with nerves of steel.

Let me tell you about New Smyrna Beach, the shark attack capital of the world! If you’re looking for a relaxing vacation spot in Volusia County, Florida, you may want to reconsider this beach. The waters around New Smyrna Beach are teeming with fish, which attracts a lot of sharks. In fact, there have been so many shark attacks reported in this area that it’s earned the title of the “shark attack capital of the world.” Even scientists have warned that if you go for a swim there, you’re bound to get up close and personal with at least one of these creatures. We are talking about a distance of 10 feet, and in many cases you wouldn’t even notice it! To make matters worse, the bull shark, one of the most dangerous and aggressive types of sharks, has been spotted in these waters.

Once again, Kauai is on our list. The beach on Na Pali coast called Hanakapiai Beach might look like heaven on Earth, but don’t be fooled! To get there, you have to trek through a super-steep rocky, 2-mile trail. There are no lifeguards on this remote beach, so even if you decide to take a dip in the water, you’re on your own. The biggest threat to your safety is the incredibly strong rip currents. They are almost always present because there are no reefs to shield the shore. And if someone gets caught in one, there’s no safe place to swim to for miles. The nearest safe beach is 6 miles away! Trust me, this beach doesn’t have the best track record in terms of safety. So, it’s highly advised that you stay out of the water if you end up at this beach.

Let me tell you about a place that looks like it’s straight out of a horror movie. We’re talking about Berkeley Pit, which is an artificial lake situated in Butte, Montana. The first thing you’ll notice about this place is that it has an eerie, blood-red color that can only be described as unsettling. You might be tempted to take a dip, but that would be a grave mistake. Don’t even touch it! The water is extremely dangerous due to the heavy metals present in it, such as cadmium, arsenic, zinc, lead, and copper. They come from the rocks that surround the lake, and make the water super-acidic. In fact, this place used to be an open-pit copper mine, hence its color. So if you want my advice, avoid this place like the plague!

There are three lakes in Africa that maybe are the most dangerous places of all that I have mentioned so far. They’re all located in Africa. Lake Monoun and Lake Nyos in Cameroon and Lake Kivu in Rwanda are all like ticking timers ready to go off. They were formed over underground pools of molten rock, and sometimes this molten rock releases toxic gases like methane and carbon dioxide right into the water. When this happens, the gases can build up until they suddenly burst out of the water, creating massive waves that can wipe out everything in their path.

This type of outburst is called a limnic eruption, and it can release a cloud of poisonous gas that can be harmful to everything in the vicinity. The most terrifying part? These explosions can happen at any moment, with no warning. So, if you ever find yourself near one of these lakes, you’d better be on high alert, because you never know when the next accident might happen. Maybe you know other places you wouldn’t recommend for a fun swim? Share your anti-recommendations in the comments below!


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