WOW He is strong!
18 Photos That Are So Powerful, They Leave a Lasting Impression on You
According to statistics, every 2 minutes we snap the same number of pictures as were taken in the entire 19th century. Nowadays people share their photos on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and other social media, and some of them really manage to pull at our deepest heartstrings.
Bright Side collected 18 of the most powerful photos that will leave a lasting impression on you.
18. A Taiwanese girl balances an egg on its end during the Dragon Boat Festival.
17. A man of steel
16. An EMT worker after a tough run

You don't think that EMTs and paramedics have feelings? They have to remain calm and not become emotional in order to care for their patients.
15. A man playing with his daughter
14. Best friends
13. A North Korean man waves at his South Korean brother during a family reunion after being separated for 60 years.
12. Markiyan Matsekh plays piano for the police during the Ukrainian revolution.
11. This photo was taken just after a son had given a kidney to his father.
10. A father kneels at his son’s name at the 9/11 Memorial.
9. This boy grew his hair out for 2 years to donate to kids with cancer.
8. Jenny Mensing warms up before the European Championships.
7. Atlanta Falcons linebacker Brian Banks kneels to pray before the first day of training camp after being wrongfully convicted of rape and kidnapping eleven years ago.
6. Riding a bike underwater

This is something that I want to do.
5. A soldier is feeding a 2-week old kitty.
4. Brian O’Driscoll, an Irish rugby player, is visiting a young girl in the hospital with the Heineken cup.
3. The joy of sharing
2. Granddaughter watches her grandfather at her school’s Veteran’s Day ceremony.
1. A baby who was born 12 weeks prematurely and managed to survive
Which of these photos impressed you the most? Share your opinions with us in the comments!
OMG!!! These are all amazing. I have read about Brian Banks, it's so painfull to hear that due to false accusations a person's 6yrs are wasted. How can anyone be so cruel!!!??
And that premature baby's leg how small it is. It is indeed a miracle that it has been saved. :)
May God bless them all
bless that baby
Dang. The 9/11 one and the grandfather on veterans day ceremony got me
Number 2.
Today is 9/11

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