15 Photos That Prove Kids Always Find New Ways to Surprise Us

Kids don’t just say the funniest things, they also do them, and as parents, all we can do is clean up the mess and try not to laugh along the way. Of course, some of us are kind folks, so we post the most hilarious incidents of our children on Reddit, lightening up the days of other adults who might mistake their kids’ failures as their own.

Bright Side collected some of these comedic moments from parents who didn’t know what to do with their genius-level little ones and the predicaments they got into.

1. “Somebody found the paper towels.”

2. “My son gave my daughter an 8-pronged ponytail.”

3. “My 6-year-old got tattoo markers for Christmas and disappeared for half an hour. We can’t get it to come off.”

4. “My girlfriend’s nephew is playing hide and seek. He’s a tree.”

5. “How our toddler sleeps...”

6. “My 9-year-old daughter thought she was funny. Made me some brownies for Father’s Day.”

7. “I woke up to my daughter standing over me like this. I’ve never been so proud (or terrified).”

8. “Bought my daughter a gaming chair.”

9. “The way my little brother ate this”

10. “Went to visit my son in college. This is his porch furniture.”

11. “Where my son keeps his toothbrush”

12. “My nephew drew this, and his mom said he could put it on the fridge.”

13. “Asked the kids to put their toys away. At least they put the lid down.”

14. “There are 2 types of kids on the first day of school.”

15. Siblings always make the best team."

What is the funniest thing you’ve seen your child or any other kids in the family do? Were you also this mischievous as a child?

Preview photo credit xMudxCrabx / Reddit


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