Since more people are working from home, many family members are currently spending extra quality time with each other. One survey revealed that 68% of fathers actually feel closer to their children now, after becoming more involved in their kids’ activities. Being around our kin is a good thing because the laughter and sweet moments we share with them are like precious treasures that we can keep in our memory.
Bright Side would like to add a ray of sunshine to your day, so we collected 16 photos of people filling their families’ love with giggles and aww-worthy actions.
1. “Here’s Grandpa first seeing me on my wedding day, before walking me down the aisle. It always makes me smile!”
2. “Same location, 16 years apart”
3. “After trying for over 10 years, 4 miscarriages, and many tears, I finally had my dream come true. My heart is so full.”
4. “My kids as Street Fighter characters. Mom’s the controller.”
5. “My grandma and I accidentally matched outfits and it gave me life.”
6. “My husband finished preparing lunch while I wasn’t looking.”
7. “First time seeing my dad in 18-20 years. I never knew a hug could fix so much.”
8. “Every 5 years, my cousins and I take a photo. We were all raised together and see each other more as siblings!”
9. “She wanted tattoos like dad.”
10. “Mom and dad fell asleep while watching TV.”
11. “My daughter gave me this shirt for Father’s Day. I love it!”
The shirt says “Dad, I love you three thousand.”
12. “My wife and I worked at the same high school. Faculty and staff were allowed to have fun with their yearbook photos. This is what we did.”
13. “My mother-in-law heard I was feeling under the weather. She knows purple is one of my favorite colors, and she got me these flowers.”
14. “My parents made a Renaissance Fair for my kids, in my backyard, because the event was canceled this year.”
“We made turkey legs and funnel cakes, bobbed for apples, and had live music. They’re amazing people and even greater grandparents.”
15. “First-time dad at 37 years old. I’ve been waiting my entire life for him. Here he is at 5 months.”
16. “I saved this Winnie the Pooh bear I got in 1992 for my future child. Here’s my 5-month-old girl loving him like her daddy once did.”
Do you have a photo of your family that makes you smile every time you look at it? Share your pictures with us in the comments.